See which decor matches your personality

See which decor matches your personality. Image from on Freepik.

Choosing the perfect decor is always a challenge., being necessary to raise a series of questions even before doing something simple like painting a wall. which color to choose? what brand of paint? Should I use two shades? E as perguntas não param de crescer na medida em que novas escolhas precisam ser feitas paraRead more

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about. Photo: Max Vakhtbovych.

Having the balcony integrated is a new interior decoration trend that has conquered more and more people., because it is an excellent option especially for apartments. After all, with smaller and smaller apes, It's important to take advantage of every space, and why not create an integrated balcony? Essa tendência apresenta uma possibilidadeRead more

Decorating programs inspire home ideas

Decorating programs inspire home ideas. Image of master1305 on Freepik.

The materials displayed can be starting points or perspectives for those who want to change the air of their property.. Whether with a simple overhaul of visual details or an innovative interior design proposal, os programas de decoração inspiram ideias para mudanças e transformações. Trazendo histórias reais de reformas e decoração de diversos ambientesRead more

metal facades: Advantages and materials available

metal facades: Advantages and materials available. Photo: PHere.

during the last century, urbanization proposals exploded across the globe. cities rose, industries have standardized, streets were paved and our style of architecture changed drastically. Since the industrial revolutions, we became familiar with metallic buildings and technological structures that refer to the innovative aesthetics of the future – com o metal atuando comoRead more

Porcelain: How can this material be used in your home decor??

Porcelain: How can this material be used in your home decor?. Photo: Image by dit26978 on Freepik.

Elegant and resistant, porcelain tile can take many forms Porcelain tile is one of the most versatile materials that exist in decoration. Although its use is more common on the floor, It can and should also be used on walls.. He has a timeless beauty, which can give your home a classic feel, mas pode seRead more

How to avoid tripping when hanging decorative paintings

Pay attention to the height of the frames. Photo: Image by on Freepik.

Inserting paintings into the home decor is a great option to renew the look.. However, é preciso tomar cuidado com pequenos erros para não comprometer a harmonia do ambiente Há quem diga que não existem regras para compor um ambiente harmonioso nos diversos cômodos da casa. However, the relationship between frames and nearby objects, … Read more

Interior designer Anna Persia Bastos talks about how furniture, aromas, colors and lighting can influence people's health and quality of life

Interior designer Anna Persia Bastos talks about how furniture, aromas, colors and lighting can influence people's health and quality of life, featured. Photo: Carol Thompson.

Professional chosen for the first edition of the ArchClub Yearbook 2022 explains that healthy homes and spaces contribute to inclusion, healthiness and sustainability Anna Persia Bastos is a businesswoman and space designer, dona do studio Persia Interiores e o seu maior prazer é projetar espaços que façam a diferença para as pessoas, pois acredita que osRead more

which fabric to choose? Maiori Casa shows the main differences and advantages of each model

Maiori Casa did a long research in search of the best pieces for families with dogs and cats. Photo: Maiori House.

Performance fabrics x decoration fabrics: find out which is the best option for your home Fabrics have been present in people's daily lives for many years. in the decoration, they are essential to offer personality, furniture style and safety, being a differential in interior and exterior projects. There are many options on the market today., variandoRead more

How to mount a decorated wall?

How to mount a decorated wall?. Photo de Rachel Claire.

Assembling a decorated wall can seem like a big challenge for those who want a home that brings a modern and even fun message., but doing it these days has become simpler than we imagined. This is because it is possible to count on good materials on the internet to help in this process., mas não quer dizerRead more

Tips for creating a timeless decor

Tips for creating a timeless decor. Photo: Imagem de vanitjan no Freepik.

Decoration is one of the main elements when we think about our home and to emphasize every corner to the fullest., so considering timeless decor tends to value your home and always keep it current and authentic. Investir em tendências decorativas de fato é algo muito divertido e que tende a ressaltar a decoração da sua casaRead more
