Collection of sacred art is featured in virtual auction

Paper D Dresser. Joseph I of rosewood with secret compartment for value guard, da Bahia, 21st century. XVIII. Photo: Disclosure.

Auction will feature collection of Maria Antonia Marinho, the House of the Alto da Boa Vista in Rio de Janeiro and other principals. The works will be auctioned in days 23 and 24 August, from the 9:00 pm. With great furniture collection, sacred images, Silver, crockery Cla Indias, academic and contemporary paintings, … Read more

Collection of sacred art is featured at auction in São Paulo

Collection of sacred art is featured at auction in São Paulo. Photo: Disclosure.

Auction in São Paulo will have collection of Maria Antonia Marinho, of Casa do Alto da Boa Vista in the city of Rio de Janeiro and other clients With large collection of furniture, sacred images, Silver, crockery Cla Indias, academic and contemporary paintings, lithographs and rare books, all of the 17TH centuries, XVIII, XIX and XX, … Read more

First Edition Vidas Secas and Grande Sertão Veredas go to auction in São Paulo

The first edition of the book Vidas Secas, novel published in 1938, It depicts the miserable life of a family of retreatants sertanejos forced to move from time to time to areas less punished by drought, with the dedication of the author, Graciliano Ramos, will be displayed until 26 September and will be auctioned in days 27, 28 … Read more

Shows see and feel through touch: Social inclusion in the MNBA

In the month of Paralimpíadas, the Museu Nacional de Belas Artes/IBRAM/MinC opens on the day 9 September, at 12:00, the exhibition "see and feel through touch". The show provides aesthetic appreciation of representations of four works of art from the collection of the MUSEUM for blind people, with low vision and psychics. Os organizadores da exposiçãoRead more