exhibition Posters & Vinyl debut in Room Leila Diniz

Works pay homage to national and international artists The artist Marcelo Toffoli presents the Leila Diniz Culture Room, between days 18 February and 28 March, his show "Posters & Nail ". Inspired by the album covers the years 70 to 90, Marcelo exposes about 30 obras que homenageiam grandes nomes da música nacionalRead more


“Black Silence "presents recent works of the artist, whose research is included in the abstract tradition of african-Brazilian art The Verve Gallery displays "Silence Black", visual artist Luiz Martins, curated by Ian Duarte Lucas. In his second solo show at gallery, the artist presents 14 works - paintings, drawings, and an installation – abordando temas recorrentesRead more

Traces launches soirees series of EnconTraços project

Weekly schedule, which begins this Sunday in BSB Mix, It will be held throughout the year, in various regions of DF, with artistic attractions and Spokespersons of Culture In 2019 Traces decided to be even more on the streets! From Sunday (10/2), a new series of events kicks in the city, … Read more

In Vitro Rio - Mario Fraga

It is being implemented in the city of Rio de Janeiro the public art project "In Vitro Rio - Mario Fraga", where the artist returned to painting inside large laminated glass. It is a pictorial installation of the painter and architect Mario Fraga, formed by 40 laminated glass modules 3,20 meters length model … Read more

Exhibition: Carriers sense - Contemporary Art in the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros

The Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and the Amparo Museum in Puebla, in Mexico, Carriers have meaning - Contemporary Art in the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. Uma extensa exposição de obras de arte contemporâneas da América Latina na Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros. 70 artists 16 Latin American countries, entre eles estáRead more

MAR receives presentation of research "Artists and Radical Education in Latin America: years 1960-1970 "

07 February, 16h Free admission Capacity 60 The people of the Rio Art Museum, under the management of the Institute Odeon, receives on Thursday (07/02), at 4:00 pm, the presentation of research "Artists and Radical Education in Latin America: years 1960-1970″, Giulia performed by Lamoni, Brito Alves and Cristiana Tejo Daisy, do Instituto deRead more


Bia Miranda presents the exhibition "Art of Hunger" 2nd edition, 3No. circuit and, shows the end of the, the works will be auctioned for the benefit of people with microcephaly and rare syndromes Rio de Janeiro, until day 10 March, os moradores do Rio e os turistas que visitam a nossa cidade poderão conferir a ExposiçãoRead more

Museum of engraving opens new exhibits

The Museum of Engraving City of Curitiba inaugurated on Tuesday (5) exhibit honoring two renowned Brazilian recorders, Paul Lie (1927-2011) and Anna Letycia (1928-2018). The exhibition will remain in poster 5 of February to 17 March. The exhibition "Prints of Paul Lie" brings together works of various techniques and different stages of the artist's career. Mentem nasceuRead more

Meet Emerson Lima: the photographer behind the power

Emerson Lima is the preferred portrait photographer of the powerful and has an extensive clientele of entrepreneurs, politicians, Centuries artists and opinion makers ago, important people in society hired the best painters of his time to become immortalized in poses for posterity, in luxurious works of art. Today, century 21, ainda é comum paraRead more

Ask 'The Princess and the sapo' brings magic to Room Leila Diniz

Children's show will be presented on Saturday, with free admission Kings, princes and princesses will take care of Leila Diniz Culture Room on Saturday (9), at 12:00, with the presentation of the play "The Princess and the sapo". The children's show directed by Cezar Cavalcanti and Gugu Araújo is part of the Cultural Giro, Program … Read more
