MAM São Paulo presents unprecedented solo exhibition by artist Santídio Pereira

The exhibition ‘Santídio Pereira: fertile landscapes’ gathers no MAM near 30 works, between prints, paintings and objects


The Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo will present between 2 April and 1 September, an unprecedented exhibition by the artist Santídio Pereira.

Curated by Cauê Alves, chief curator of MAM, to exhibition Santídio Pereira: fertile landscapes gathers in Sala Paulo Figueiredo more than 30 works – some, unpublished -, between prints, paintings and objects produced by the artist in a period between 2017 and 2024.

Born in Isaias Coelho, in the interior of Piauí, Santídio Pereira moved with his family to São Paulo as a child and, at eight years old, was enrolled by his mother at the Acaia Institute, an organization created by artist Elisa Bracher. There, he came into contact with a wide variety of artistic techniques and, later, delved deeper into engraving at Xiloceasa, designed by artists Fabrício Lopez and Flávio Capi.


With a fruitful trajectory in Brazilian institutions and around the world, Santídio presents in Fertile landscapes your research around images of Brazilian biomes, from the Amazon to the Atlantic Forest, passing through landscapes that were part of his experiences and carrying especially the observations he makes in nature.

Curator Cauê Alves selected engravings, objects and paintings from Santídio that bring images of mountainous landscapes and plants such as bromeliads and mandacarus. These motifs in the artist's works derive from his immersive experiences in Brazilian biomes, during trips where you are willing to observe the geography and vegetation carefully. Some of them are also the result of childhood memories in Piauí that he carries with him..

The images, although, they are not just reproductions of what Santídio sees, but creations. The curator explains that “the reference to a specific plant species, that is available to your eyes, does not oppose the imagination, that is, to mentalize something that is not present. It's as if he interprets what he saw and what he remembers from what he saw, but in a different way, new, since it goes beyond what happened and what we remember”.

Known initially for his woodcut work, Santídio also began dedicating himself to painting with gouache and making objects in recent years. The exhibition at MAM will be the first to display, in Brazil,  these objects and the gouaches. Santídio comments that, from these experiments, started creating objects that can be printed, and no more matrices.

The paintings arise from his desire to work with the materiality of gouache. “They are relatively smaller works than woodcuts, but these are works that take you to a completely different place. Not because of the theme, but for the materiality, because the materiality of the engraving ink is somewhat shiny, it's a little oily, while the materiality of gouache, the way I work, It’s more opaque.”, explains the artist. For him, This opaque characteristic of gouache painting conveys greater depth in the work, “as if the work in gouache embraced and the work in engraving took a certain distance”.

In your curatorial text, Cauê Alves highlights the attentive look and rare sensitivity of Santídio Pereira, emphasizing the way in which he relates to the world. “Your life story is an exception, and the visibility that his work achieved is atypical in the art world. He knew how to relate his freedom to what he was, in fact, necessary for him, betting on invention, but without giving up work or abandoning their origins.”, says the curator.

About the artist

Born in 1996 in Isaiah Coelho, in Piauí, Santídio Pereira lives and works in São Paulo. Studied Art History with critic and curator Rodrigo Naves, and has a degree in Visual Arts from Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado, in São Paulo.

Santídio Pereira's trajectory has been permeated by experimentation and constant study of artistic precepts, driving a desire for creation and innovation of pre-established standards, both not formal appearance, as conceptual of artistic languages. His work has been exhibited in Brazilian institutions such as Fundação Iberê Camargo (Porto Alegre), Centro Cultural São Paulo, Paço das Artes, MuBE – Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology, e I HAVE – Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (all in São Paulo) in exhibitions at international spaces and institutions such as Galería Xippas (Punta del Este, Uruguay),  b[x] Gallery (New York, USA), Bortolami Gallery (New York, USA), Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art – Milan Triennial (Milan, Italy), Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art (Paris, France), Power Station of Art (Shanghai, China), among other. His work is included in important collections, as Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil), Cisneros Collection (USA), Sesc Arts Collection (Brasil), Art Museum of Rio - SEA (Brasil) e Cartier Foundation for Contemporary Art (France). Santídio was also awarded the Piza Prize (2021, Paris, France), in addition to having participated in the AnnexB Residência Artística (2019, New York, USA).

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About MAM São Paulo

Founded in 1948, the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo is a civil society of public interest, nonprofit. Its collection has more than 5 thousand works produced by the most representative names of modern and contemporary art, mainly Brazilian. Both the collection and the exhibitions privilege experimentalism, opening up to the plurality of world artistic production and the diversity of interests of contemporary societies.

The Museum maintains a wide range of activities that include courses, seminars, lectures, performances, musical shows, plays, film sessions and artistic practices. The content of the exhibitions and activities is accessible to all audiences through guided tours in pounds, audio description of works and video guides in Libras. the collection of books, newspapers, documents and audiovisual material is formed by 65 1000 titles. The exchange with museum libraries in several countries keeps the collection alive.

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Located in Ibirapuera Park, the most important green area in São Paulo, the MAM building was adapted by Lina Bo Bardi and has, beyond the exhibition halls, with studio, Library, Auditorium, restaurant and a shop where visitors find designer products, art books and a line of MAM-branded objects. The Museum spaces are visually integrated with the Sculpture Garden, designed by Roberto Burle Marx to house works from the collection. All facilities are accessible to visitors with special needs.


Santídio Pereira: fertile landscapes
Curated By: Cauê Alves
Opening: 02 April, Tuesday, at 19h
Exhibition period: 03 April to 01 September 2024
Local: Paulo Figueiredo Room, Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo

Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo
Address: Ibirapuera park (Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº – access through the gates 1 and 3)
Timetables: Tuesday to Sunday, das 10h às 18h (with last admission at 5:30 pm)
Tickets: R$30.00 full price and R$15.00 half price. On Sundays, Entry is free and visitors can contribute whatever amount they want. For advance tickets, visit

*Half price for students, with identification; low-income youth and seniors (+60). Free for children under 10 years; people with disabilities and companion; teachers and directors of the state and municipal public network of São Paulo, with identification; MAM friends and students; employees of partner companies and museums; ICOM members, HERE is ABCA, with identification; SPTuris employees and employees of the Municipal Secretariat of Culture.

Phone: (11) 5085-1300
Access for people with disabilities

More info:
MAM São Paulo


1 thought on “MAM São Paulo presents unprecedented solo exhibition by artist Santídio Pereira”

  1. Parabéns Santídio!!,
    O seu talento, dedication, obras e trajetória tanto nacional quanto internacional, são por si só uma grande obra de arte!!..


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