Crochet: Complete Guide for Beginners

Crochet: Complete Guide for Beginners. Photo:

If you are interested in learning crochet, This comprehensive guide will give you everything you need to know to get started. Crochet is a versatile and rewarding art form that allows you to create an endless variety of unique pieces.. By mastering the basics and understanding the fundamentals, você poderá criar seus próprios projetos personalizados eRead more

EAD Visual Arts: Educational Trends and Innovations

EAD Visual Arts: Educational Trends and Innovations. Photo:

The growing importance of distance education (EAD) within the scope of visual arts reflects the search for flexible and accessible learning modalities. Distance visual arts emerge as a fundamental term in this constantly changing scenario, where remote teaching becomes an attractive option for both students and professionals. With the … Read more

The 10 Most Innovative Artistic Manifestations of the 21st Century

The 10 Most Innovative Artistic Manifestations of the 21st Century. Photo:

In the 21st century, artistic manifestations have assumed a central role in contemporary global culture. From the advent of digital technology to innovative explorations of biological materials, art has constantly reinvented itself. In this article, let's explore the 10 most innovative artistic manifestations of this century, destacando a criatividade e a diversidade que caracterizam a cenaRead more

How to Select the Most Suitable Flooring for Each Room

How to Select the Most Suitable Flooring for Each Room. Photo:

Flooring is a crucial element when building or renovating a home, Receiving meticulous attention in every detail, from the design and architecture to the finer aspects. Fatores a Considerar na Escolha do Piso Tudo é planejado para garantir a melhor estruturação possível. Yet, assim como a escolha das cores das paredes ou daRead more

Sandra Birman turns grief into art in the exhibition ‘Escape’

Sandra Birman. Photo: Disclosure.

Brazilian artist who lives in Lisbon presents works created with cutouts from tapestries inherited from her mother. Exhibition will open on 3 May at the Castra Leuca gallery, em Castelo Branco A artista plástica Sandra Birman encontrou uma forma inusitada de lidar com a perda da mãe, at the end of 2019. Ao entrar no apartamento daRead more

Autumn Decoration: how to capture the essence of the season at home

Autumn Decoration: how to capture the essence of the season at home. Photo:

Alguns itens e cores específicos trazem o conforto necessário e a sofisticação desejada para o ambiente interno nesta época do ano À medida que o verão se despede e o inverno se aproxima, autumn emerges as a bridge between extremes, carrying with it an energy of transformation. It is a season marked by the scarcest rain, … Read more

Learn Knitting and Crochet Step by Step: Guide for Beginners

Learn Knitting and Crochet Step by Step: Guide for Beginners. Photo:

knitting and crochet, in the vast world of craft skills, combine creativity, manual dexterity and relaxation like few activities. For many, these art forms not only offer a creative outlet, but they also provide a sense of accomplishment as you see a simple thread turn into a charming piece of clothing or decoration.. Este guia paraRead more

How to Sell Crafts Online

How to Sell Crafts Online. Photo:

Selling crafts online is an increasingly relevant strategy for artisans who want to expand their reach. With the growing demand for unique and personalized products, the opportunity to sell crafts online has become more accessible and profitable. In this comprehensive guide, vamos explorar as melhores práticas e estratégias para aproveitar ao máximo esse mercado emRead more

Great Works of Art: From Inspiration to Execution

Great Works of Art: From Inspiration to Execution. Vincent van Gogh, 1853-1890 The Starry Night, 1889, oil on canvas. Museum of Modern Art, New York City. Photo:

Works of art are more than mere objects; are testimonies of human expression, mirrors of society and agents of cultural change. Since time immemorial, art has played a fundamental role in transmitting ideas, emotions and values, shaping the way we perceive the world around us. Through paintings, sculptures, … Read more

Everything about the Faculty of Visual Arts: Complete Guide!

Everything about the Faculty of Visual Arts: Complete Guide!. Photo:

Everything about the Faculty of Visual Arts: A Meaningful Choice for the Future. The decision about which university course to take is crucial for an individual’s professional and personal future.. Visual Arts play a fundamental role in contemporary society, influencing our culture, communication and perception of the world around us. Com a crescenteRead more
