Tel Aviv Museum of Art among the 100 most popular in the world

Tel Aviv Museum of Art among the 100 most popular in the world. Photo: Elad Sarig / Tel Aviv Museum of Art.

Despite the obstacles presented by the war in Gaza, the institution received 906.350 visitors in 2023. The Tel Aviv Museum of Art was recently ranked 75th on the list of 100 most popular museums in the world, according to the international art magazine The Art Newspaper ( Este é o sexto ano consecutivoRead more

4 cultural neighborhoods to visit in São Paulo

4 cultural neighborhoods to visit in São Paulo. Photo:

A capital paulista oferece a oportunidade de conhecer diversas culturas sem sair do Brasil São Paulo, known as the city that never sleeps, is considered the largest in Brazil in terms of population, housing around 11.451.245 inhabitants, according to the Census 2022 from IBGE, e também é o município mais populoso da América doRead more

Hurst Capital launches operation with four exponents of art

Ana Maria Carvalho, director of artwork investments at Hurst Capital. Photo: Disclosure.

Fintech brings together contemporary and emerging investments in one investment that exhibit different valuation profiles. Projected profitability is between 16,31% and 25,03% per year in 24 meses A Hurst Capital, largest alternative asset platform in Latin America, has just launched the newest investment operation in works of art. This time, to … Read more

Visual artist immortalizes pets in oil on canvas

Natalia Kruger. Photo: Disclosure.

Inspired by customers' love for their pets, Natalia Krüger cria pinturas autorais de bichinhos de estimação e vende pela internet A artista plástica Natalia Krüger (@nkruger_art) has enchanted the internet with artistic creations of pets. The artist, who became a specialist in pet portraits, transform dog photos, gatos e outrosRead more

Open-air museum reinforces Paraná’s position in the Brazilian cultural and artistic itinerary

Parque Geminiani Momesso. Photo: Disclosure/Gabriel Teixeira @gabriel.gtart.

The 25 km from Londrina, Geminiani Momesso Park houses relevant works of art in the city of Ibiporã, among them 60 sculptures and a pavilion dedicated to Angelo Venosa Geminiani Momesso Park is an open-air art museum located in Ibiporã, to 25 kilometers from Londrina, where it already houses a pavilion in honor … Read more

4 art galleries that every tourist should visit in Belo Horizonte

4 art galleries that every tourist should visit in Belo Horizonte. Photo:

The capital of Minas Gerais is also the stage for a lot of culture and has beautiful art galleries with diverse content. The city of Belo Horizonte has a great cultural and historical heritage, offering several notable tourist attractions for its visitors. In addition to the architecture of the great Oscar Niemeyer in his urban landscapes and the … Read more

The 10 Most Innovative Artistic Manifestations of the 21st Century

The 10 Most Innovative Artistic Manifestations of the 21st Century. Photo:

In the 21st century, artistic manifestations have assumed a central role in contemporary global culture. From the advent of digital technology to innovative explorations of biological materials, art has constantly reinvented itself. In this article, let's explore the 10 most innovative artistic manifestations of this century, highlighting the creativity and diversity that characterize the scene … Read more

Great Works of Art: From Inspiration to Execution

Great Works of Art: From Inspiration to Execution. Vincent van Gogh, 1853-1890 The Starry Night, 1889, oil on canvas. Museum of Modern Art, New York City. Photo:

Works of art are more than mere objects; are testimonies of human expression, mirrors of society and agents of cultural change. Since time immemorial, art has played a fundamental role in transmitting ideas, emotions and values, shaping the way we perceive the world around us. Through paintings, sculptures, … Read more

What is Contemporary Art? Definitive Guide!

What is Contemporary Art? Definitive Guide!. Photo:

In contemporary culture, understanding what contemporary art is plays a fundamental role in the appreciation and interpretation of current artistic expressions. Contemporary art is a dynamic reflection of the complexities of modern society, addressing a wide range of themes and issues that resonate with today's audiences. From its origins, a arte contemporâneaRead more

Inhotim – Inhotim Institute, Museum of Contemporary Art and Botanical Garden, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 4 - Robert Irwin, without title, 2019. Photo: Brendon Campos.

You wanted me to talk about poetry a little more…E desprezasse o cotidiano atrozQueriasera ouvir o som da minha vozE não um eco – apenas – deste mundo louco!(QUINTANA, 2007, p. 87) The enchantment that Art provides to the eye is inexhaustible., in its most varied forms of presentation. É como se esquivar do mundoRead more
