UCAM in partnership with MAM RIO open registration for the new class of the pioneering MBA course in Cultural Management and Production

University Candido Mendes / Brazilian Cultural Management Association in partnership with the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro – Mam Rio abrem inscrições para a nova turma do pioneiro curso MBA em Gestão e Produção Cultural


Home: 08 de maio de 2021
Hours: 364 h
Duration: 18 months
Hybrid system on biweekly Saturdays (face-to-face classrooms) and on EAD Tuesdays
Time : 09h to 6:00 pm)
Local: Museum of Modern Art of Rio - MAM Rio
Inscriptions: pecs@candidomendes.edu.br / www.abgc.org.br

There are 18 anos exercendo um papel extraordinário na formação de executivos do setor cultural a turma XIV – 2021 has inaugural class online and open to the public on Saturday, 24 April. Inscriptions: www.abgc.org.br/aula-aberta-online-de-abertura-do-curso-mba-em-gestao-e-producao-cultural/

The Executive Director of MAM Rio, Fabio Szwarcwald and the Secretary of Culture of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Marcus Fraustini, give the inaugural class under the theme Challenges of Carioca Cultural Production in the post-pandemic scenario


Turma XIV – 2021

Registrations are now open for the MBA in Management and Cultural Production at Cândido Mendes University / Brazilian Association of Cultural Management in partnership with the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro - MAM Rio. The course with 364 hours will be in hybrid system, classroom and distance learning and lasts for 18 months. Classes will have beginning in 08 de Mayo.

Under the coordination of Profa. Katia de Marco, PhD in Museology, Master in Art Science and Director of the Antonio Parreira Museum, and Profa. Yole Mendonça, Master in Cultural Assets and Social Projects, current Director of the School of Visual Arts at Parque Lage - EAV, the MBA in Management and Cultural Production tem aula inaugural on line on Saturday, 24 April, to 10 hours. The class is open to the public and transmitted through ABGC social networks Youtube and Facebook. Registrations must be made through the website www.abgc.org.br/aula-aberta-online-de-abertura-do-curso-mba-em-gestao-e-producao-cultural/

The Candido Mendes University in partnership with the Brazilian Cultural Management Association, since 2002, consolidates itself as a pioneer reference in the Brazilian cultural scene, lançando o primeiro MBA em Gestão Cultural do país. Já na XIV turma, reaffirms its commitment to contemporaneity by expanding the capacity of the Cultural Management field to the related universe of Cultural Production.

The course trains professionals to work in the multiple segments of culture, from the modeling and management of projects and major events to the management of public institutions, privadas e coletivos colaborativos, always focusing on sustainable interaction between culture, market and socioeconomic development.

For both, the student will have a referential faculty that combines academic knowledge with extensive executive and production experience, through professional residency at the headquarters of a partner institution with outstanding performance in the end of course activity. In this way, the student will have a training connected to the daily challenges of the cultural market, in interaction with the expertise of their teams, with emphasis on the development of skills aimed at qualitative management in the field of culture.

Another great novelty of this group was the union of two MBAs, cultural management and cultural production, that were brought together in one course, further strengthening the important role of this renowned graduate in the training of executives in the national cultural sector and in empirical knowledge in the field of culture.

The MBA in Management and Cultural Production at ABGC / Candido Mendes seeks to train professionals for this new world that presents itself. In addition to expanding the knowledge of our students in relation to the management and production tools of the cultural field, we seek to contribute to becoming more resilient professionals and attentive to culture's commitments to a more inclusive society, plural and fair and thus participate in the construction of a creative economy increasingly present in the construction of a new growth path for the country, tosigns the Profa. Yole Mendonça. “The course will be hybrid and will allow for multiple learning as it mixes content in the fields of contemporary culture at the same time., with an emphasis on management and production in the sector, as well as professional experiences through study tour by significant cultural institutions, in addition to workshops with teams from different segments of MAMRio, through the Professional Residence format“, complements Profa. Katia de Marco.

The contemporary world has given rise to an economy that is sustained, increasingly, through immaterial assets, assuming a prominent position in the group of nations' economies: the economics of culture.

Even in a world crisis and transformation scenario, this economy has been demonstrating vitality and resilience, becoming a promising field for those who want to work in an environment where innovation, technological intelligence, connectivity and creativity, are the most valued and demanded exchange currencies.

The Gothic style, the need arises for the professional manager of institutions, projects and policies in culture, innovate in the ability to plan, to execute, evaluate and guarantee the sustainability of its actions, in the face of a global situation permeated by a systemic economic crisis and a mutation of values.

In view of the complexity and transversality of the multiple skills and competences required in the field of management and cultural production, the course proposes, yet, to help students expand their self-knowledge and build a career plan that allows them to develop their potential in the job market.

MBA in Management and Cultural Production


Turma XIV – 2021


Profa. Doctoral student Kátia de Marco – http://lattes.cnpq.br/0112699814996353

Profa. Mestre Yole Mendonça – http://lattes.cnpq.br/5512096899136925

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5 modules / Face-to-face classrooms, video classes, workshops and technical visits.

Admission: prerequisites: complete higher education in a course recognized by MEC in universities Brazilian or international.

Selection: curriculum analysis.

Registration: pre-registration through the website: www.abgc.org.br

  • Each PECS / UCAM / ABGC graduate group has a quota of 03 (three) full scholarships for multiplying agents working in social projects in the communities of Rio de Janeiro and Baixada Fluminense. Social Notice available on the website abgc.org.br.
  • Some subjects may be available as a separate extension course.
  • The course will be hybrid with face-to-face classes at MAM Rio and video classes on EAD platform. Even vaccination against Covid 19 classes will be online.

Dates, locations and times

Home: 08 de maio de 2021 – Registration open

Hours: 364 h

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Duration: 18 months

Days: Biweekly Saturdays (face-to-face classrooms) and on EAD Tuesdays

Time: Integral (09h to 1:00 pm – 14h to 6:00 pm)

Class location: Museum of Modern Art of Rio - MAM Rio


University Candido Mendes | Dean of Graduate Studies and Research |

Brazilian Association of Cultural Management

Cultural and Social Studies program-PECS

Assembly Street, 10 – room 709.

Centro - CEP 20011-901 – RJ

E-mail: pecs@candidomendes.edu.br Online Secretariat: www.abgc.org.br

Phone: (21) 3543-6489 / Whatsapp: (24) 99312-2459

Facebook: Official Abgc

Instagram: @abgcoficial


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