ARTE4 celebrates Five Years of Existence with Collective Exhibition

Eduardo Pieretti, Laura Vivacqua, Patricia Penna and Lu Valença. ‘Five Years A4’ Exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

The ARTE4 Gallery was opened in 2019 as an exhibition space created by four friends. The initial dream evolved and art workshops emerged, art history classes and exhibitions of new artists. Eventually, ARTE4 became a reference in Búzios, where is located. In the pandemic, uniu forças com a Contemporâneos GaleriaRead more

Dialogues Exhibition

Sheila Tostes, Hangover. Photo: Disclosure.

The exhibition “Dialogues” is a journey that brings together 14 women with different perspectives, cultures, regions and styles, all being part of the Contemporâneos Collective, supplementing 6 years this year. This process, that started ago 4 months, presents not only individual works that address different discourses about contemporary women,, but also works co-created by … Read more

Photographer and environmentalist Mário Barila presents socio-environmental works at the 10th Mostra Fotografia Arte Plural

Fisherman on the coast of Rio de Janeiro. Photography by Mario Barila.

In his second participation, photos of the beauties of the Rio de Janeiro coast and its inhabitants will be displayed, which will be for sale to raise funds for education and environmental preservation actions in Rio de Janeiro Photographer and environmentalist Mário Barila will be at the 10th Edition of the collective exhibition Fotografia Arte Plural, that happens between … Read more

Cultural hub opens in celebration of “150 Years of Italian Immigration in Brazil”

"150 Years of Italian Immigration in Brazil", House of Italy. Photo: Disclosure.

The Consulate General of Italy in Rio de Janeiro, the Italian Institute of Culture in Rio and the IED (European Institute of Design), came together in support of the creation of the “Polo Cultural ItalianoRio – art, design and innovation”, which opens to the public on the day 22 February, in the week in which the … Read more

Museum of Tomorrow opens exhibition “Feel World – An Immersive Journey”

Museum of Tomorrow opens exhibition "Sentir Mundo - An immersive journey". Photo: Disclosure.

Multisensory exhibition will take the public on a walk through the forests, through the soil and the dance of insects with olfactory stimuli, tactile, visual and sound How do ants see the world? And the flying insects? Have you ever imagined what their perspective is like?? The Museum of Tomorrow invites the public to … Read more

Coletivo Contemporâneos occupies the Modernistas Gallery, in Santa Teresa, with show, book launch and musical performance

collective Contemporary, 5 years. Disclosure.

From 26 august to 28 October, space will host the exhibition “Expressions”, in the celebration of 5 years of Colectivo Contemporâneos In the period of 26 august to 28 October, Iconic association of the Carioca Carnival, located in Santa Teresa, será o palco da exposição coletiva intitulada “Expressions”, uma celebração marcando o quinto aniversário do ColetivoRead more

“Without Barriers” Exhibition

Maria Eugênia Baptista, 130x80cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Paulo Branquinho opens unprecedented exhibition with paintings, engravings, photographs, sculptures and objects in the gallery he occupies in Lapa After a three-year hiatus, Galeria Paulo Branquinho has just returned to the art scene at full speed, opening new press conference on the day 12 August, Saturday. “Without Barriers”, the new exhibition that will be opened at the house … Read more

Five eighteenth-century paintings by José Joaquim da Rocha are now part of the collection of the National Museum of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro

Jose Joaquim da Rocha - David playing the harp, featured. Photo: Vicente de Mello.

Works will be delivered on the day 15 August and will be on display at the Museum of the Republic until October as part of an IBRAM museum collection exchange program. the acquisition, sponsored by the Vale Cultural Institute, faz parte do Projeto Movimento de Aquisição de Obras para Museus Brasileiros Com o objetivo de cobrir lacunasRead more

Exhibition with drawings by Carlos Sussekind at the Sala Museal, 3 ago, free

Carlos Sussekind, drawing "The Office". Photo: Disclosure.

Gathering 21 drawings and gouaches by Carlos Sussekind, the exhibition “The office” inaugurates day 3 August, Thursday, at 4:00 pm, in the Museum Room, located on Avenida Presidente Vargas, 590 room 701 (in front of the Uruguaiana subway station, at the Center). Curated by the artist's daughter, and museologist Adriana Sussekind, the exhibition honors the writer, plastic artist, lexicógrafo e tradutorRead more

Release Video Project Album/MNBA day 28 jul, with artists Xico Chaves and Fernando Diniz

Xico Chaves, video, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Recently retired after a career of more than 30 years in public service, Xico Chaves, recalls his time as curator at the National Museum of Fine Arts, in the 1990, when he met the artist Fernando Diniz(1918-1999). At that time, under the direction of Heloisa Lustosa(1928-2022), the MNBA developed the Museum of Origins, projeto referenciado no crítico MarioRead more
