The versatility of metal in decoration: how to include material in different design styles

The versatility of metal in decoration: how to include material in different design styles. Photo:

Integrating metallic elements into environments not only adds durability, mas também proporciona elegância e sofisticação ao espaço O metal é um dos materiais cada vez mais utilizados no design e na arquitetura. Thanks to its versatility and ability to harmonize with different environments and decorative styles, ele passou de um elemento restrito a cozinhas eRead more

Literary itinerary in Minas Gerais: where to go?

Literary itinerary in Minas Gerais: where to go. Photo:

Conheça um pouco da história de Minas Gerais e do Brasil através da literatura Minas Gerais é um dos estados brasileiros mais importantes por diversos motivos, seja pela sua riqueza natural, pela gastronomia única do estado ou pela grande diversidade cultural. O estado mineiro gerou alguns dos maiores produtores literários do país e foi umRead more

4 cultural neighborhoods to visit in São Paulo

4 cultural neighborhoods to visit in São Paulo. Photo:

A capital paulista oferece a oportunidade de conhecer diversas culturas sem sair do Brasil São Paulo, known as the city that never sleeps, is considered the largest in Brazil in terms of population, housing around 11.451.245 inhabitants, according to the Census 2022 from IBGE, e também é o município mais populoso da América doRead more

House with neoclassical elegance: decoration tips and elements

House with neoclassical elegance: decoration tips and elements. Photo:

Saiba quais são as principais características do estilo neoclássico e como ter esse tipo de decoração atemporal A decoração neoclássica é uma ótima opção para quem busca elegância dentro da própria casa. Known for its timeless sophistication, This style is inspired by 18th century Europe. Uma de suas características mais predominantes são suas linhasRead more

5 tips for decorating outdoor areas without renovation

5 tips for decorating outdoor areas without renovation. Photo:

Add personality and warmth to balconies and backyards with plants, vibrant colors, suitable furniture, e dê um toque de charme até na lavanderia A decoração dos ambientes externos merece uma atenção especial. Backyards and balconies are a space of comfort and well-being, whether for leisure time with the family, confraternizarRead more

Japanese garden: how to make one at home?

Japanese garden: how to make one at home?. Photo:

Conheça os benefícios de possuir um jardim zen em casa e quais os seus principais elementos Os jardins japoneses são uma celebração de harmonia entre o homem e a natureza, in which each element is arranged to evoke serenity and contemplation. It was initially created to celebrate ceremonies and have philosophical conversations. Inspirados pela filosofiaRead more

How to Select the Most Suitable Flooring for Each Room

How to Select the Most Suitable Flooring for Each Room. Photo:

Flooring is a crucial element when building or renovating a home, Receiving meticulous attention in every detail, from the design and architecture to the finer aspects. Factors to Consider When Choosing the Floor Everything is planned to ensure the best possible structure. Yet, as well as the choice of wall colors or … Read more

Autumn Decoration: how to capture the essence of the season at home

Autumn Decoration: how to capture the essence of the season at home. Photo:

Some specific items and colors bring the necessary comfort and desired sophistication to the indoor environment at this time of year As summer says goodbye and winter approaches, autumn emerges as a bridge between extremes, carrying with it an energy of transformation. It is a season marked by the scarcest rain, … Read more

American style decor: learn how to embrace comfort and warmth

American style decor: learn how to embrace comfort and warmth. Photo:

Use of neutral colors and comfortable furniture are some of the highlights of this type of decoration Decoration is a very important part of planning a home, which makes a total difference for residents, also reflecting the personality of each of them. Today, the decorative universe has become very broad, covering different styles with characteristics … Read more
