Music workshop continues with registration open until 20 November

Completing two weeks with registration open, the 35th music workshop of Curitiba has already 450 enrolled students, such as 81 foreigners. Thirteen are courses with vacancies exhausted. Promoted by the city of Curitiba, through the Cultural Foundation and the Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC), the workshop will be held from 7 … Read more

Choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba opens registration for singers

The Curitiba Institute for art and culture (ICAC) opened, This Thursday (25), registration for select musicians choristers, surrogates and extras, to register for possible utilization in artistic programming of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, season 2016. The vacancies are for soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone and bass. The registration period will … Read more

Camerata Antiqua open selection for tenor

The Curitiba Institute for art and culture-ICAC opened entries for selection of singers for the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba. There is a wave of tenor for immediate hiring. Entries can be made until 26 February. Os interessados em ocupar a vaga de tenor no Coro da Camerata devem enviar os documentosRead more

Chapel Santa Maria receives Current Cultural programming

The chapel Santa Maria will stage two major Current Cultural Attractions. The Opera Orchestra Curitiba with the show ' two-night Gala ' Lyric and the interactive concert Brass Quintet OSESP are part of programming that will move the city. On Friday and Saturday (days 6 and 7), to … Read more

Cultural current has attractions for children

The Cultural Current offers on Sunday (8) two attractions aimed at children. At 10:00, the Stage of the ruins will be taken by the project About troupe. In a show that involves music, dance and theatre, Artists interpret cantigas de roda. In the Repertoire are songs known by kids: "Live Fish", “I threw the stick at the Cat”, "O … Read more

Curitiba Music Workshop extends registration to 90 courses

Registration for the 34th Curitiba Music Workshop have been extended for the day 15 November. A Bureau of happens 7 to 27 January 2016, still has 90 courses with job openings in the areas of classical music, old, música popular, technological and in the city's Regional. Entries must … Read more

With more courses, Music workshop of Curitiba opens registration

The city back to house the various musical strands chords with the 34th Edition of the music workshop of Curitiba, which happens to 7 to 27 January 2016. Registration for the 112 courses, classical phases, popular music and the new music and technology category can now be done on the website … Read more

Camerata Antiqua presents educational concert for students of the municipal schools

The program "Feeding with music", created by the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba with the goal of spreading among the students of municipal schools the language of classical music, has Santa Maria Chapel presentations this week (from 5 to 9 October). On Saturday, day 10, às 18h30, turns out the closure with the show open to the public. … Read more