Registration extended for the 35th music workshop

Entries for the 35th music workshop in Curitiba were extended for the day 16 of december. The Workshop, which happens to 27 from January to 8 February 2018, still has 47 courses with vacancies opened in the areas of classical music, old, popular music and in musicalization courses in the Regional … Read more

Sidney Magal recalls career successes on Sunday afternoons

Globo ends the second season of the project and takes to the Itaboraí stage the artist who released hits such as “Meu Sangue Ferve por Você” and “Sandra Rosa Madalena” Incorporating elements of gypsy songs, the disco music and popular music, Sidney Magal was revelation in the 70 and caused a furor among fans with the … Read more

Curitiba Music Workshop extends registration to 90 courses

Registration for the 34th Curitiba Music Workshop have been extended for the day 15 November. A Bureau of happens 7 to 27 January 2016, still has 90 courses with job openings in the areas of classical music, old, música popular, technological and in the city's Regional. Entries must … Read more