Exhibition at Muma gathers images and print 3D objects

O MuMA – Municipal Art Museum inaugurates on Thursday (5), at 19h, the exhibition "Solid", Artist Curitiba Daniel Duda. The exhibition brings together images and objects produced with printing technology in three dimensions that integrate both digital media and physical concreteness. The four videos and seven works produced in 2015 mesclamRead more

Digital Art Center receives design that combines performance with video installation

Centro de Arte Digital recebe projeto que combina performance com videoinstalação O Centro de Arte Digital, Cultural gate, gets next Wednesday (19), às 17h, the premiere of the performance videoinstallation “HumanON”. Search result of scientific initiation of artist Rodrigo Saad Domingues, o trabalho pretende mostrar a evolução tecnológica e a forma com que ela afeta o corpo doRead more