Engraving exhibition “Sao Paulo in Motion”, by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

they call it woodcut
This very pure art
That has lasted for millennia
the wood engraving
Serious art or play
But love never fails
to the woodcutter
have true art.
on the stained wood
A sheet is placed
And then it is pressed
any way you want
With a press or spoon.
Engraving is ready
Result is pure art
For the drawing that comes.

In the Brazilian Northeast
Followed a beautiful script
And the xylo very light
The brochure illustrated.
translation that set
The string and the engraving
A very pure duo
that enchanted the world.
(OBEID, 2009, p.19)


Poetry enchants through the word illustrating in a simple way, how the beautiful engravings of cordel books are produced. Painting and poetry go hand in hand., there is poetry in painting, there is painting in poetry, in the delicate gestures of the artist who richly calculates the carving of the matrix that may be made of wood, of metal, stone or fabric stencil.

Organizing your thoughts and worries and displaying them in white space, the artist calculates and centers the image, distributes color and ideas in strong ink, adjusting the mold. This art is the Art of Woodcutting, but there is also Linoleum engraving, Engraving, the chisel, Ink water and Strong water, with surface techniques such as serigraphy and lithography.

Inspired by ideas, thoughts, afflictions, impressions and a lot of poetry, Rosane Maria Damasceno Viegas produces her prints from drawings she makes on the matrix and which are reproduced on paper using a press.. More than just pictures, the poetry of his work concretizes abstract thought, the construction of descriptive and explanatory systems, the ability to change and rearrange them, that is, they enable people to give meaning to the world and society.


Rosane translated what São Paulo is through her dialectic in the form of an expressive communication. The artist herself claims: “I was listening to the beautiful song by Elis Regina ‘O Bêbado ea Equilibrista’ and I thought how interesting it would be to make a drunken building. At that time I was drawing a series with details of buildings in São Paulo and I stopped to make the 'drunk' woodcut. I really liked. So I thought of continuing the series on São Paulo. However, with Estação da Luz, I didn't want her drunk, but with full speed. With a French curve I curved the lines, to represent the effervescence of São Paulo. Next was Casa das Rosas, which reminds me of an old lady with a slim waist.. And this image inspired me to do a House of Roses with a slim waist. In each engraving I looked for something that related to the construction. MASP, I do not know why, I related to the image of a bull. This engraving looks like a bull running down Paulista. The Municipal was a challenge because I wanted to represent it dancing. almost gave up, but it turned out amazing. This collection “São Paulo on the Move” seeks to show more than simple buildings in São Paulo, But yes, an energy far beyond your straight lines, windows and doors, they transmit me boiling life”.


Just like the city that the artist portrayed, the city in eternal boiling seems to move its buildings and constructions endlessly across the concrete horizon. Life then seems to pulsate with more speed, like a moving locomotive, without leaving the tracks of the hectic day to day. The curves of skyscrapers and famous buildings belong to its horizons and to the daily hustle and bustle of a city that never stops.. The impression is that the heat of the asphalt makes the view of the city blurred, changing straight lines to curved lines. Or it can still be inferred that the constructions need to walk at the speed of people in a hurry who go and come back daily.

Curated by Rita Caruzzo, Rosane's prints can be seen at the Paulo Setúbal Museum, in the city of Tatuí – SP, on Rua Manoel Guedes, 98, from 26 th November of 2022, with varnishing and opening scheduled for the day 25 November, at 3:0 pm.


OBEID, Caesar. Cordel Challenges. São Paulo: Editora FTD. 2009.

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Sorocaba  São Paulo
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