Discover 3 Essential Painting Techniques for Beginners

Discover 3 Essential Painting Techniques for Beginners. Photo:

If you are an art enthusiast or a budding artist, Understanding different painting techniques is essential to hone your skills and express your creativity effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will deeply explore the different approaches to painting, from the traditional oil painting technique to the delicate art of watercolor. … Read more

How to Make Oil Painting: Complete Guide to Creating Decorative Pictures

How to Make Oil Painting: Complete Guide to Creating Decorative Pictures. Photo:

Oil painting is a form of artistic expression that has captivated artists and admirers for centuries.. With its richness of colors and textures, Oil painting offers a multitude of creative possibilities for artists of all skill levels. In this comprehensive guide, mergulharemos no fascinante mundo da pintura aRead more

Mandalas: How to Make and Use for Therapy and Crafts

Mandalas: How to Make and Use for Therapy and Crafts. Photo:

Making mandalas is an ancient practice that has been an integral part of many cultural and spiritual traditions around the world.. With its complex geometric representations, mandalas have been valued as therapeutic tools, providing a unique journey of expression and self-healing for many individuals. In addition, as mandalas artesanais oferecem uma oportunidade para criatividadeRead more

Beautifying Spaces: The Magic of Decorative Objects

Beautifying Spaces: The Magic of Decorative Objects. Photo:

In the wide world of interior decoration, there is an element that transcends simple adornments and becomes a true source of charm: decorative objects. These pieces, often underestimated in their importance, have the subtle power to captivate our senses and transform spaces with their striking presence. Ao explorar a diversidade e o significadoRead more

Painting by Sérgio Milliet recently integrated into the MAM São Paulo collection is displayed in the Library

Sérgio Milliet, "Untitled (self-portrait), no date". Oil on wood. Front and back. MAM São Paulo Collection, donation Maria Lúcia de Araújo Cintra, 2024. Photos: Jamyle Rkain.

The untitled painting, donated to the institution by Maria Lúcia de Araújo Cintra, brings two self-portraits of the artist, on the front and back of the support. The work is on display at the Paulo Mendes de Almeida Library, no museu O Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo recebeu a doação de uma obra do artista Sérgio Milliet (1898 … Read more

Bedding set: Transform your Room into an Oasis of Comfort and Beauty

Bedding set: Transform your Room into an Oasis of Comfort and Beauty. Photo:

O jogo de cama tem um papel crucial para recarregarmos nossas energias e enfrentarmos os desafios do amanhã renovados. When it comes to comfort and beauty in the sanctuary of our home – the fourth – the bedding set is the central piece to transform our environment into an oasis of tranquility. It is a … Read more

Discover the Secret of Blinds: Transform your Decor!

Persiana Vertical. Photo:

As persianas têm um impacto significativo no conforto e atmosfera geral do ambiente. Elas podem transformar sua decoração através de um estilo personalizado que emerge como uma escolha versátil e elegante, with a functional role in regulating light and privacy. When considering how to enhance our spaces, muitas vezes nos deparamos comRead more

José Resende – certain sculptural events

Work by José Resende at Marcelo Guarnieri Gallery at SP-Arte. Photo: Disclosure.

The pencil, the square, the paper:the drawing, the project, the number:the engineer thinks the world is fair,mundo que nenhum véu encobreJoão Cabral de Melo Neto Versos de O Engenheiro (1942 – 1945), in editing: GRANDSON, João Cabral de Melo. Complete Poetry/ João Cabral de Melo Neto (organization, text establishment, preface and notes by Antonio Carlos Secchin). … Read more

Exhibition Bichos de Lygia Clark and its connection with UMA

Exhibition Bichos de Lygia Clark and its connection with UMA, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The Pinacoteca de São Paulo inaugurates its program of exhibitions of 2024 with a remarkable panoramic exhibition dedicated to one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, Lygia Clark. Lygia Clark: Project for a Planet is a unique immersion bringing together more than 150 representative works from different phases of his career. With the aim of … Read more

Emmanuel Nassar occupies the Glass Room at MAM São Paulo with interactive work

Emmanuel Nassar occupies the Glass Room at MAM São Paulo with interactive work. Emmanuel Nassar, Space bodywork, 2022. Painting on metal sheets. Artist's collection. Photo: Mario Grisolli.

Work by the artist from Pará that alludes to the space race will remain in space until September; público poderá interagir com a obra Lataria Espacial A Sala de Vidro do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo apresentará uma nova obra entre 02 April and 01 September 2024: Space bodywork (2022), uma instalação doRead more
