5º Salon d'Automne of Latin America by Edmund Chandra

Edmundo Cavalcanti é Artista Plástico, Colunista de Arte e Poeta.
Edmundo Cavalcanti is a Visual Artist, Art Columnist and Poet.

Artist friends do not forget to make your registration
for the 5th Edition of the most important art show
of Latin America.

Registration extended until 31 January 2017.

SOAL – The art without Boundaries


Proven fact, four years after his birth in 2013, the Salon d'Automne of Latin America is already seen as one of the great international exhibitions of Visual Arts of São Paulo.

Since its second edition, in may 2014, in partnership with the Latin America Memorial Foundation, the Salon d'Automne of Latin America opens registration for its 5° Edition in 2017.

The Salon d'Automne of Latin America is a contemporary space, focused on the arts, that objective by the diversity of languages, the clash of trends, seeking to be a space open to the present.

Aims, Discover new talents in Brazilian and South American artistic medium, giving artists, the opportunity to show their works in an international exhibition, open to all trends, multidisciplinary and of quality.

Provide the public, the opportunity to make contact with a diverse international artistic production: video painting, through photography, collage, sculpture, etc. All this in the spirit of the fraternity of the arts and artists.

The SERVICE is based on ideals and experience of the Salon d'Automne of Paris created in 1903.

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4º Salão de Outono da América Latina. Photo: Disclosure.

The Salon d'Automne France-Brazil is a nonprofit institution. Its main goal is to provide emerging artists, or unfamiliar a chance to show their work in an event of importance in viable economic conditions to the extent that its production is considered to be of quality, by jurors summoned on this occasion for each of the disciplines.

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São Paulo – Brasil
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Columnist at Website Obras de Arte
E-mail: cavalcanti.edmundo@gmail.com


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