Historic building in the center receives registration for artists occupy their studios

Even day 20 January, artistas e coletivos interessados em ocupar gratuitamente os ateliês do Red Bull Station durante um mês podem enviar propostas pela internet O Red Bull Station promove a quarta edição do programa OCUPAÇÃO, that encourages artists and collectives to occupy the building spaces to inspire, conectar e transformar aRead more

Fakes da vida real: philosopher points as just numbers turn in the social network and how it has affected the market and the economy in real life

Writer, philosopher and Abreu Fabiano researcher introduces the concept of "economic fake", which are actual accounts and profiles that only count numbers and do not mobilize the economy and the entertainment industry. The country is experiencing a difficult time in the economy, and this is reflected in society. A demanda por eventos e o mercadoRead more

Studio Pharus invites artists, designers and creative reflection on new project, including notice and free masterclasses

Promoted by the agency Pharus Bright Design, open call art, design e tecnologia busca encontrar artistas dispostos a processo de experimentação em torno do tema “Fim dos Contornos” A observação atenta do dia-a-dia indica uma clara quebra de paradigmas no comportamento humano que deixa o mundo em estado de crise. Não há mais contornos clarosRead more

Pocket Sunday program starts this weekend

Offer the public the opportunity to meet more local artists, In addition to feed the habit of cultural coexistence in public spaces. That is the proposal of the program "Sunday in your Pocket", that opens this Sunday (17/09), on the rider's Pocket Square, a partir the 14h. “O novo programa faz parte de um conjunto de açõesRead more

EVENT CANCELLED – Artists and producers of Afro-Brazilian culture make conversation wheel the Armory

**EVENTO CANCELADO*** Artistas e produtores de cultura afro-brasileira de Curitiba e da Região Metropolitana são os convidados para a Roda de Conversa que a Fundação Cultural de Curitiba e a Fundação Palmares promovem na próxima quinta-feira (12), às 14h, in the theater of the Armory. O encontro faz parte da programação da 244ª Reunião da Comissão NacionalRead more

Sesc Sorocaba presents show das Cavalciuk in new design

'Cio da Terra' aims to reveal releases by artists from Sorocaba and region The new project "Cio da Terra", SESC Sorocaba, brings, from this month, a series of concerts dedicated to the launch of artists materials in the region of Sorocaba. The premiere will be on the singer/songwriter Paula Cavalciuk, who … Read more

Sunday afternoons recalls songs and artists that have marked generations

Sunday afternoons recall songs and artists that have marked generations Dalto opens the second season of the Globo project, in Copacabana, on 13 de setembro O público que gosta de recordar sucessos e cantar músicas que marcaram gerações terá a oportunidade de reencontrar seus artistas preferidos na segunda temporada do Tardes de Domingo. On … Read more
