Bordallo Pinheiro Art Collection – Dialogue between contemporary artists and the Bordallian universe

Tonico Lemos. Photo: Disclosure.

Exhibition at Instituto Camões presents works by Brazilian and Portuguese artists, in a reinterpretation of the artistic legacy of Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro *Contemporary artists create ceramic pieces inspired by the work of an art icon in Portugal *Open to the public 13 to 30 of June, at Instituto Camões, com entrada franca Artistas plásticos do BrasilRead more

The Restlessness of sculptures Angelo Venosa celebrates 20 years Valley Museum

bold angles, twisted solids and infinite combinations that move from the organic to the spectacular compose Penumbra, unprecedented artist shows, com curadoria de Vanda Klabin Novos horizontes de investigação e pesquisas estéticas do escultor Angelo Venosa serão exibidos ao público pela primeira vez, from 23 May Valley Museum, Vila Velha - ES. … Read more

6º CNI SESI Marcantonio Vilaça SENAI for the fine arts

TCU DISPLAYS WORKS OF ARTISTS WINNERS MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE – TCU. FROM 24 OCTOBER TO 22 DECEMBER 2017. *For the second time, o Centro Cultural do Tribunal de Contas da União acolhe itinerância do principal prêmio das artes visuais brasileiras *Trabalhos do artista Sérvulo Esmeraldo e de mais 11 artistas compõem aRead more
