MIS Experience – Exhibition on Candido Portinari by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

I am the earth, I am the life.
From my clay came first the man.
From me came the woman and came the love.
Came the tree and came to source.
The fruit comes and the flower comes.

I am the original source of all life.
I am the floor that attaches to your House.
I'm covering tile in your home.
Your constant mine pit.
I'm the ear of your cattle
And sure to quiet your effort.

(CORALINA, 2004, p. 311)


The most sensitive words on earth come from our dear Coralina, about life and about people. Your images of Brazil have the beauty of a living screen, like an unchanging scene full of movement. His portraits of a time and a place are static in time and space and reverberate into a distant future. Your words eternalize moments, places, people. But Poetry finds more ways to talk to the future and can still be perpetuated through the eyes and hands of those who paint or draw, immortalizing the images of old things, with its colors and its shapes. In full Age of technology, it is still through the hands of the Poet and the Artist that Poetry is translated into words or images of something that has gone and constituted History. Ephemeral moments that the hands of a great Brazilian allowed to become perennial like the First Mass in Brazil, the coffee farmer, the Coffee Crops, the retreatants, the children playing, so many smiles and faces, so many lost looks.

It may be that the inspiring spark of our dear Candido Portinari was just the color, or even the sunlight of this country, but his gaze unveiled all the Poetry and reverberated it into the future, in the shape of Art, with the strong and vivid colors, smoothed by earthy hues, by sunburned skins. Your Art is full of light, of movement and, above all from the History of a country full of the mixture of skins, of religions, from the scorching heat of the sun and warm afternoons.

The scenes that emanated from Portinari's hands reached Technological Contemporaneidade, allowing your work to be seen and experienced, maybe as the artist himself saw it, from inside her, immersed in the scenes he created himself. The artist's universe can be explored, physically transposed by the observer, who will become a character in the works of this great Brazilian artist. The exhibition will feature sound and audiovisual resources so that the visitor will feel part of the work, in the middle of the scene. Perhaps this was the artist's feeling when creating his work.


Portinari para Todos will feature three exhibition areas. The first with seven interactive installations where the public feels part of the experience. in the second room, "Portinari Immense", immersion and involvement in the artist's works on a monumental scale will be possible with content about the life and work of our artist. The third area will be to contextualize the Portinari collection, its connection with the country's culture and its importance in History of Brazilian Art.

The event is part of the official calendar to commemorate the 100 years of the Modern Art Week of 1922 and will start in February 2022. Portinari para Todos is curated by Marcelo Dantas, award-winning interdisciplinary curator working in Brazil and abroad. Among the museums that featured Marcelo's work are the Portuguese Language Museum, a Japan House, the Museum of American Man, the Museum of Nature and the Museum of the Caribbean, in Colombia.

João Candido Portinari, founder and coordinator of the Portinari Project, whose mission is to preserve and democratize the artist's legacy highlights this unique opportunity,

I don't even know how to express the enthusiasm with which we are working at full steam to bring a never-before-seen Portinari to the widest audiences. An immersive Portinari, interactive, digital, in the innovative format of MIS Experience, an unprecedented experience on a monumental scale.

And it won't be impossible to surprise your eyes and mind when you feel immersed in the colors and shapes of the First Mass in Brazil (Fig. 1). The monumental work with its characters in prayer, circumspect invite whoever happens to join them. The light that brightens the whole scene also seems to warm hearts. in prayer, with cupped hands, the people in the scene seem to pray for the people of this technological contemporaneity. Being part of a scene like this can bring a boost to the weather of recent years, you can take a trip to a distant past and still feel part of the creation of the artist's own work.

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portinari for all
Date: February 2022

Local: MIS Experience – Vladimir Herzog street, 75 – White water – São Paulo
Format: In person

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Built in a shed of 2 thousand square meters and 10 meters of right foot, MIS Experience is the newest space at the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) – institution of the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the Government of the State of São Paulo – which brings to the city of São Paulo a new concept of cultural exhibitions. MIS Experience opened in 2 th November of 2019, with the objective of providing the realization of immersive exhibitions that use new technologies, leading audiences to interact differently with artists and their artwork. The opening of the space took place with the exhibition Leonardo da Vinci – 500 Years of a Genius, experience that allowed the visitor to know the life and legacy of Da Vinci. The exhibition was a success with the public.: received about 500 thousand visitors, had more than 85 thousand free visits and, every 15 minutes, a school was attended by the Educational team. The investment for the creation of space, maintenance and assembly of the exhibition was R$ 8 million.


CORALINA, Cora. Melhores Poemas. São Paulo: Global Editora, 2004.

Sorocaba São Paulo
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