energy cleaning: learn to harmonize environments with radiesthesia

energy cleaning: learn to harmonize environments with radiesthesia. Photo:

Holistic therapist Mariana Tortella teaches how to use charts and pendulums to balance home energies Excessive tiredness when you get home, after a long day at work; constant nightmares and even frequent fights between family members. Esses são apenas alguns dos sinais que indicam que a sua casa pode estarRead more

Transforming the extra room: creative ideas to renovate the space that is left

Transforming the extra room: creative ideas to renovate the space that is left. Image by Freepik.

Discover several possibilities to transform the space into a functional and useful room for residents While most residents focus on decoration and invest in the most used rooms in the house, it is common for that extra room to become a forgotten space and adapted to store the clutter. However, this environment, when well used, … Read more

Neutral colors in decor: tricks to make it interesting

Neutral colors in decor: tricks to make it interesting. Image by pvproductions on Freepik.

Get to know different ways to use soft tones in the aesthetic composition of spaces through creativity When it comes to decoration, a doubt that can always arise is the choice of colors that will compose the environments. Isso porque as opções são variadas e a relevância delas não se limita apenas a trazer personalidade aoRead more

Visual identity: find out how decoration influences your business

Visual identity: find out how decoration influences your business. Image by wirestock on Freepik.

The colors, furniture and lighting are some items that make all the difference for customers There is a saying that “the first impression is the one that lasts”, that's why the look of a business is the gateway to attract customers and captivate people. Entre todos os investimentos que seRead more

How to update your home decor with auction items?

How to update your home decor with auction items?. Image by lookstudio on Freepik.

Time to transform your home decor, all savings are welcome The words “promotion” and “discount” shine in anyone's eyes, and, when it comes to home decor and makeover items, they are even more satisfying, visto que os gastos que implicam a renovação de uma casa ou um apartamento são muitoRead more

How to create a personalized and cozy gourmet space at home

How to create a personalized and cozy gourmet space at home. Image by master1305 on Freepik.

The architectural trend most desired by Brazilians to receive friends and family A gourmet space is an area designed to receive family and friends and enjoy pleasant moments together, especially during meals and social events. Ter um espaço gourmet em casa se tornou uma tendência. Esse ambiente é procurado tanto em reformas quanto naRead more

How to creatively organize your bedroom

How to creatively organize your bedroom. Freepik image.

With a little imagination, it is totally possible to unite creativity and organization in the bedroom We all dream of a cozy and organized bedroom. So that now, sometimes, we don't have enough space and we prefer to limit ourselves to the minimum necessary so as not to overload the room. But that's not the only solution.. The bedroom is a private space.. … Read more

Thinking about doing some renovation? Discover the aesthetic decoration

Thinking about doing some renovation? Discover the aesthetic decoration. Freepik image.

Style mixes natural elements, light tones and modernity Who doesn't like to customize every corner of their home? Leaving the rooms the way you always dreamed can be a very pleasant activity., but that in some cases ends up raising doubts. after all, uma coisa é imaginar como a decoração será feita e outra éRead more

How to choose the ideal lighting for every room in the house?

How to choose the ideal lighting for every room in the house?. Image of freestockcenter on Freepik.

Home lights can be warmer or cooler, depending on the aspect that the environment needs Lighting is one of the main factors for the comfort of an environment, mainly visual comfort. Nas houses, it can be worked in different ways, to value one element over another. Many times, … Read more

Trends in Furniture: The Top Choices for Modern Environments

Trends in Furniture: The Top Choices for Modern Environments. Freepik image.

As interior design evolves, furniture plays an essential role in creating modern and stylish environments. The search for functional spaces, elegant and contemporary designs have driven the emergence of furniture trends that perfectly align with the needs and desires of consumers.. In this article, exploraremos as tendências atuais emRead more
