Curated by Mari Pini designer, exhibition presents to the public different views on the only natural satellite of Earth
On 19 th July 2019, eve of the date that marks the 50th anniversary of the first time man walked on the moon, the SESC Santo André opens the exhibition Selenograma Moon Time Design, curated by Mari Pini designer. The show, occupying the unit Gallery until November, It is divided on several fronts and reflects on the lunar influences in many different fields of knowledge. Throughout the visitation period, exposure has also mediated visits and schedules groups.
Selenograma Moon Time Design It leads us to a graphic journey through minimalist lunar calendars published annually by Mari Pini from 1977, work that captured 15.340 moons in their trajectories over successive nights until today. In addition to the occupation in the Gallery, SESC Santo André lawn receives The Great Moon, illuminated intervention that represent the different phases of the moon over the coming months.
On opening day, at 19h, Pipa Lorena done performance The arrival to the Moon, bright designs that arise from the movements of the artist and illustrate the different phases of the moon, a dynamic between light, body and space. During the weekend, the SESC Santo André promotes workshop Fashion and style: What's your style?, with Wellington Mendes, and presents storytelling Moon, outer, teaches me to look at you, with Cia. Clara Rosa.
The Moon Almanac, prepared by Mari Pini, immerses the audience in the most various themes involving the only natural satellite of Earth: of scientific concepts to symbolisms; terrestrial phenomena and calendars to the achievements of the lunar territory; theories and mysteries to science fiction works.
For curator, show lists "the moon as an object of multitude of man's projections, Note, contemplation, studies, inspiration, imagination, I wish, achievement. Recreates the lunar universe through a scenic environment with multifaceted route with scientific approach, astronautics, poetic and symbolic, supported the visual work and extensive research ".
cosmology, science responsible for the study of the cosmos, proposed several theories for the emergence of the Moon. How old is the Moon? Where it came? Still raises a number of hypotheses: Earth and Moon could be contemporary formations; or that our natural satellite has already been another planet, Now kidnapped by the Earth's gravitational field; or, due to the rapid rotation of the Earth, Moon has been formed from a large piece of land that came off the surface and left to orbit the atmosphere. Or, the most accepted theory, the moon may have formed after a collision between major planets.
Regardless of their origin, the fact is that the Moon has always been present in the cultures of the peoples on earth. From ancient societies and uncivilized peoples to classical civilizations and major religions of humanity, lunar cycles have led diverse knowledge and emotions, in addition to acting as units of measure for planting, the hunt, the wedding, births and even wars. Are the manifestations of deities, rituals, symbolic representations, astrological or esoteric knowledge, the kinetic motion of the Moon in constant renewal were interpreted in order to establish connections between man, the cosmos and its own existence.
In exhibition panel Time Ancient Artifacts, this paper makes a number of calendars produced over the millennia, highlighting the different time diagrams based on mathematical and astrological calculations which are based on the cycles of the moon. Each culture represented the measure of time supported in their beliefs and in accordance with the movements of the stars in the sky.
Despite being called unique and popularly of "Moon", our natural satellite has its own name: Selene. The name given by the Greeks pays tribute to the enlightened goddess worship, representing femininity, fertility, fertility and all that is connected to the female. His temporary stay assesses his role as guardian of nights, one that illuminates the darkness, penetrates the subconscious of dreams, evokes the psyche and intuition, binds affective way to relate. Not for nothing, the duration of the phases of the moon (29 days) resembles the woman's menstrual cycle.
The influences of the Moon, besides the movement of the tides, also extend the behavior of animals, who show keen awareness of instincts. This condition imposes on the Moon the archetype of emotional transformation, feature is the mutability of our feelings, often analyzed in the birth chart of each individual. The arrangement and alignment of the planets from the Sun and the Moon – added to the exact time of birth of the time - sets, for some, a mapping that can define aspects of our personality. So, Sun and Moon form the fundamental duet to compose reason and emotion.
On the side of reason and science, the moon is only celestial body already achieved by the presence of humanity. O astro, it is merely 380.400 km away from Earth, It became the emblem of the dispute between the US and the former USSR during the Cold War. On the Russian side, of Sputnik, first artificial satellite, released in 1958, and the journey of Yuri Gagarin, first man to travel into space, in 1962, They drove strong financial and technological investment of US. After the news of the Russian, former President John F. Kennedy issued the challenge to "send men to the moon and return them safely to the end of the decade". As a result, the Apollo Program missions took Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin to be the first men to set foot on the lunar surface, in 1969. after them, ten men would step on the moon today.
From your search, Mari Pini invites us to reflect on what those made in the present reference: as the conquest of the lunar territory came in the object? As science has advanced in its purpose? Which knowledge is renewed in relation to our natural satellite? With these and other questions, Selenograma Moon Time Design near the public time measures, the phases of the moon and its relationship with man, the perception of lunar phenomena and a dip in the symbolic imagery evoked by the Moon throughout the history of mankind.
Selenograma Moon Time Design |
Curated By: Mari Pini |
Opening Day 19 July, at 19h. |
20 from July to 17 th November of 2019 |
Tuesday to Friday, from 10:00 to 10:00 pm. |
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, from 10h to 19h. |
Free. |
Customer groups with visit mediated on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays (students, teachers, Companies and institutions) by email: [email protected] |
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The arrival to the Moon, with Lorena Pipa
Day 19/7, Friday at 19h.
Check out the lunar eclipse, Lunik lands in the garden. Its luminous body shape drawings in space as it moves. If a wheel encounters comprising 28 moons, representing the lunar cyclical time. There, interacts with a red ball, creating a dynamic body and light in space.
Fashion and astrology: What's your style?, with Wellington Mendes
Day 20/7, Saturday at 14:30.
Free. Free.
On-site registration 30 minutes before.
The workshop has the intention to explore relations culture and fashion and beauty behavior under the influence of the stars, each participant taking a moment of self perception and consequent potential of visual composition on a daily basis.
Moon, outer, teaches me to look at you, with Cia. Clara Rosa
Day 20/7, Saturday at 17h.
Free. Free.
To take, old woman nature, accompanies the imagination of the human being and it derives a universe of stories. Since the ancient traditions, We teach children to observe the Moon. However, it proposes the stimulation to children look observation importance, exalting admiration by moonlight and its mysteries.
this presentation, through word of strength narrated, brings the charm and wisdom of the Moon, a repertoire of stories that provoke sighs, niceties, mysteries and enchantments, able to close the connection to the moon in a warm and intimate dialogue. stories, songs, poetry and mythologies, They will be narrated with playfulness, bringing the inspiring presence of the Moon in a lullaby stories for all ages.
Rua Tamarutaca, 302 - Vila Guiomar - Santo André
Phone- (11) 4469-1311
Parking lot (limited availability): Full credential - R $ 5.00 the first hour and R $ 1,50 for additional time | Others - R $ 10.00 the first hour and R $ 2,50 for additional time.
Information about other settings: |
Press office of the SESC Santo André:
Cauê Colodro | 11 4469-1312
Cristiane Isídio | 11 4469-1310
[email protected]