Experiments with Time and Shadows: unprecedented exhibition in Brazil brings Indian artist works for the SESC Santo André

Time perpetual flow processing. This is a Henri Bergson assumptions in the book Creative Evolution, Nobel Prize in Literature 1927. In the work, French philosopher discusses time as transitory and unchanging movement, a process fluid and continuous existence of generating future in the present while revisiting the past. Yes … Read more

The show Kiss on Asphalt wins unprecedented mount debut at SESC Santo André

Considered a classic of Brazilian theater, tragedy written by Nelson Rodrigues in 1960 é encenada pelo diretor Bruno Perillo em temporada inédita no ABC e São Paulo Considerado um dos maiores legados do teatro de Nelson Rodrigues, The Kiss on the Asphalt gets new assembly with debut season at SESC Santo André between days … Read more

Exhibition "What Eyes Reach" takes the SESC Santo André photos and documents 50 year career of Cristiano Mascaro

The concept of perception, the origin of the word, It is often defined as physiological processes to select, organize and interpret the stimuli offered by the environment through the five senses. In the case of photography, perception becomes essential to highlight aspects and peculiarities of what is available to the eyes of all, more than … Read more

SESC Santo André receives the Rotary Stage, which brings news in its 22nd edition

Current edition of the Rotary Stage Festival in São Paulo with the participation of 20 several states companies, which will add more than 40 artistic performances, plus theater workshops, meetings and debates The Rotating Stage, National circuit performing arts SESC, reaches its 22nd edition as an integrated action that promotes … Read more

SESC Santo André hosts exhibition "Selenograma Moon Time Design"

Curated by Mari Pini designer, show presents the public with different views on the only natural satellite on Earth 19 th July 2019, eve of the date that marks the 50th anniversary of the first time man walked on the moon, o Sesc Santo André inaugura a exposição Selenograma Lua Tempo Design, … Read more

Exhibition Dorminhocos brings unpublished photos of Pierre Verger to Sesc Santo André

In partnership with Pierre Verger Foundation, unit exposes 98 photographs that depict people sleeping in public places around the world Pierre Verger (1902-1996) was an ethnologist, anthropologist, researcher and above all, photographer, who lived most of his life in Salvador, capital of Bahia. Passionate about popular cultures, Verger produziu registros fotográficos de grande relevânciaRead more