Rio receives Art Open Doors, in Santa Teresa, in the days 20 and 21 July


With participation of more 40 visual artists and average audience 15 thousand visitors, edition will lecture Anna Bella Geiger and Sandra Tucci, opening with Coral enchants Santa and dozens of works in workshops, museums, galleries and cultural centers throughout the neighborhood

The 29th edition of Open Doors Art in Santa Teresa promoted by Master Key – Association of Visual Artists Key Master – It is committed to 20 and 21 July (saturday and sunday), from 10 to 18 hours, in the traditional neighborhood in Rio. In 2019, It will be celebrated fifteen years of association with visitation workshops, intense cultural and artistic program.

"What is the place of creation in the arts? What is the difference between the studio and the laboratory of a scientist? The Open Doors Art is a pioneering project in the visual arts area consisting of opening to the public of Santa Teresa workshops. It is a unique chance to show the locals the process of making and research in different languages. This year forty artists gathered in Rio de Janeiro in honor of the fifteenth anniversary of the Master Key, one of the most important associations of Brazil's artists " explains Alexandre Palma, Current member of the executive board of Skeleton Key Association.



The event will be opened on 19 July, at 18h, Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo, with opening group exhibition and Paco de Assis lecture on the challenges of cultural associations in the area. Then, Choir enchants Santa will perform under the baton of Maestro Roberth Salles. Work associated artists will be on sale on Instagram @arte_de_portas_abertas .


The highlight is the participation of Anna Bella Geiger, recently on display at the Museum of Modern Art with "This is the center". Geiger present, on 20 July, at 18h, in the Yellow House, the lecture "Word Artist", with mediation Veronica Damasceno, professor at the UFRJ School of Fine Arts. Another highlight in the Yellow House is the exhibition of the photographers Davy Alexandrisky, Luiz Bhering and individual Deborah Costa.

The workshops Claudio Valerio Teixeira, Getulio Damado, Pedro Grapiúna, Marcius Tristan and the Donana area provide beautiful surprises to the public, you may also visit the work at the Museum of Ziza Golden Sky Chacara.

The exhibition at the Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos displays talents as Clara Cavendish, Ana Moura, Anísio Couto, Queen Marconi and Carmen Givoni. In addition to the group show with artists from Skeleton Key, the site will receive the day 20 July, às 14h, lecture with artist Sandra Tucci, Coordinator of Graduate Curatorial Course in Senac-SP Arts.

Throughout the event, curated by Osvaldo Carvalho and Juliano Guilherme, Largo das Neves welcome, along the day, stencil workshop collective Christmas Family, as well as performances by artists such as Dantes Nave Wagner and Joseph and his flock. On Sunday, 21 July, the public can follow the realization of the mural "Where's Tram Paula Mattos" Artist Dhavid Amadeus. The event will close the presentation “Cacau Amaral and Ox Full Moon with Cacuriá”, Sunday, 21, to 19 h, in Largo das Neves.

The Art of Open Doors 2019 also has sound and typical foods in Arraiá the Knowledge Bridges, social project of Santa Teresa: on Saturday, 20 July, activities begin at 14 Camilla hours Workshop Farias.


The 29th edition of Open Doors Art in Santa Teresa is a partnership of the Master with: Scenographica Design, National Union of Plastic Artists of São Paulo, CLA. Art and Culture Marketing Artistic, School of Art and Technology Spectaculu, Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, Cezanne Communication, Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Yellow house, Solar Mariano, Corner Gallery Carambola and Modernists.

Open Doors Art
Dates and times: 20 and 21 July (saturday and sunday), from 10 at 18h
Opening: day 19/07, at 18h, Centro Cultural Laurinda Santos Lobo (Rua Monte Alegre, 306)
Local: Santa Teresa
Free entrance



19/07, Friday – Open Doors Art Opening

Local: Municipal Cultural Center Laurinda Santos Lobo

Vernissage of the group exhibition (18 h), Paco Assisi lecture, National Union of plastic artists (19 h) and first presentation of the Coral Santa enchants, Regency Roberth Salles (20 h).


14h – Talk about art curator with SANDRA TUCCI

Local: Municipal Cultural Center Laurinda Santos Lobo

Mediation: Alexandre Palma (Professor of Art / Education of Bachelor of Arts UFRJ)

1h Arraiá the Knowledge Bridges: sound and typical foods

knowledge Online

18h - Conversation as an artist ANNA BELLA GEIGER

Local: Yellow house

Mediation: Veronica Damasceno (School Aesthetics professor of Fine Arts of the UFRJ)

20h - Coral Santa Encanta – Regency: Roberth rooms

Local: Largo das Neves (in front of the Bar Alchemy)

DAY 21/07 – SUNDAY

14h – Art workshop with Camila Farias in the Knowledge Bridge

19h – Art of Closing Doors Open

Presentation of Cacau Amaral and Full Moon Boi with Cacuriá

Local: Largo das Neves


1- Deborah Costa / Eduardo Machado – Felicio dos Santos Street, 9

2- Getulio Damado – Rua Leopoldo Fróes, 15

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3- Marcius Tristan- Rua Paula Matos, 46

4- Pedro Grapiúna – Rua Almirante Alexandrino, 54 B, C

5- Sandra Fioretti – Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, 163

6- Simone House – Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, 163

7- José Geraldo Furtado – Rua Hermenegildo de Barros, 163

8- Donana space (Claudio Roberto Castilho / Rosa Maria Filgueiras)- Painter street Djanira, 86, House

9- Quinta da Valerio Claudio Teixeira's Bell – Rua Almirante Alexandrino 2538

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Queen Marconi – "Holy People" – Canvas photo printing and acrylic 50cm x 150cm x 1000 cm 1998/2019

Local: Rua Dias de Barros, sidewalk railing high against the No. 31

*cultural activities of supporters of the Public Art Forum in Largo das Neves:

-Stencil workshops with the Collective Christmas Family (20 and 21 July)

Atelier of craftsmen, Largo das Neves, 4 (information: 988923718)

-Wagner Joseph and his flock (20 July, from 10 h)

-nave Dantes (21 July, from 10 h)

-Celio Seixas with Interactive Painting (20 and 21 July)

-Where's Tram Paula Mattos? MuralCoordination: Dhavid Resende

20 and 21 July, early painter Djanira Street on the corner with Largo das Neves, from 10 hours

Santa Teresa circuit – Lapa

The periphery in the center of Lapa and at the foot of Santa Teresa

Curated By: Antonia Philipsen Boaentura

Nix space

Avenue Gomes Freire, 225 (Cel. 969503038)

Information: [email protected]


Social media:

Instagram: @arte_de_portas_abertas

More info

Cezanne Communication – Press Office

Fabio Cezanne – [email protected] (21-99197-7465)

Master key

Alexandre Palma ([email protected]): 99239-0142

Evento on Facebook

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