Government of São Paulo presents the First Edition Andrade Festival - The Book Virada

São Paulo won its first street party dedicated to books and reading, through the Municipal Secretary of Culture, with more than 150 free activities, between days 4 and 6 October, em onze pontos da cidade Nomes nacionais e internacionais como Ailton Krenak, Mia Couto, Isabela Figueiredo, Fernanda … Read more

Book awakens reflection by Serenity

Work brings great influences of literature, as Rimbaud, Murilo Mendes, Manoel de Barros, Cecilia Meireles and Clarice Lispector In a world so frantic, Almeida Alexandra Vieira poet reflects about the silence and the emptiness in his new work entitled "Zero Serenity". Published by the publisher Penalux, The book is composed of … Read more

First Edition Vidas Secas and Grande Sertão Veredas go to auction in São Paulo

The first edition of the book Vidas Secas, novel published in 1938, It depicts the miserable life of a family of retreatants sertanejos forced to move from time to time to areas less punished by drought, with the dedication of the author, Graciliano Ramos, will be displayed until 26 September and will be auctioned in days 27, 28 … Read more

Brazil receives international meeting of poets of the Portuguese language

The Brazil is increasingly famous internationally. In addition to the Olympics, the country will host the third meeting of the day Portuguese Language poets 10 September, at the Museum of the Republic, in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to promoting integration between Portuguese speaking authors, the event will mark the launch of an anthology with 91 escritores deRead more

Solar do Barão will have art fair this weekend

The Solar do Barão will be in full swing this weekend, with the exhibition of art objects. Approximately 60 artists will be at Solar showing and selling his works as Christmas gift option. There will be launching of books and music concerts with the Gay Chanson and Madrigal Choir. A Feira Solar aconteceRead more

Reading houses have special programming on black Awareness Month

The coordination of the Foundation of the religious literature of Curitiba has prepared a special programming for the month of black consciousness and diversity in reading Houses until the day 26 November. Among the activities directed towards children and adolescents are storytelling, wheels of reading and showing films. Within the Reading Garden Eucalyptus, … Read more

“VaraU” introduces a new look for literature

Sesc Sorocaba opens space for dialogue about poetry, text and music. The Sesc Sorocaba promotes, on 12 November, Thursday, às 19h30, in the herbalists of comedoria, another edition of "VaraU", bi-monthly meeting of literature. During the activity, participants are introduced to a new literary look, desenvolvendo a proposta de que literatura nãoRead more

Gisela Castro Alves calls for the launch of his book animals and Bichoutros

Gisela Castro Alves calls for the launch of his book animals and children's Bichoutros Saturday 17/10/2015 of the 12:00 Public Library 9:00 Luiz de Bessa freedom square, 21 Employees – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation:

Donations of books for the Tubotecas benefit dozens of institutions

Donations of books for the Tubotecas benefit dozens of institutions in addition to ensuring a collection always renewed, community participation with book donations for Tubotecas also helps to supply more than forty institutions in Curitiba and in the Metropolitan Region. Since 2013, were 163.166 donated books, of these 122.262 were destined for Tubotecas. The … Read more

17International Book Biennale of Rio de Janeiro begins this Thursday and celebrates the diversity of the world of books

17The rd International Book Biennial in Rio de Janeiro begins this Thursday and celebrates the diversity of the world of books Largest literary event in the country, What happens at the Riocentro between 3 and 13 September, pays homage to Argentina and receives more than 200 autores brasileiros e estrangeiros A 17ª Bienal Internacional do Livro do RioRead more
