Party “Chapada's Christmas” celebrates 25 years and fundraising in Brasília

Festa "Natal da Chapada". Photo: Disclosure.

From 17 to 19 December in Vila de São Jorge (GO) toy donations, school kits, hygiene materials and contributions via PIX can be made at the Vale da Lua Bar (408 North) From 17 to 19 in December Vila de São Jorge will receive Santa Claus with workshops, jokes, shows, bingo … Read more

Christmas in pandemic time: Singer Ana Lélia comments on what it was like to work together, but at a distance

Ana Lélia, featured. Photo: Nath Millen / Disclosure / MF Global Press.

Due to the pandemic, singers had to come together virtually to re-record hit songs; Artist comments on difficulties and positive aspects of remote work The work routine of many people was affected this year 2020. That of singer and songwriter Ana Lélia also. Accustomed to meeting with musicians from around the world … Read more

Christmas from a distance: how to decorate your home for a live with the family?

Featured. Photo: Studio M & The Architecture / Pinterest.

December is coming and along with it comes Christmas that, This year, will be different from everyone else and for those who will be away from the family, celebrating with the help of lives can be a great option; Studio M architects&Architecture gives decoration tips São Paulo, December 2020 – Christmas is … Read more

Hot this Christmas: Brazilian design and conscious consumption

Brasília Design Store. Photo:Brasilia Design Storee.

In the center of the modernist Capital Federal, um espaço reúne expoentes do Design Local Brasília Design Store Onde a pujante produção artística brasiliense ganha vitrine e convida quem ama design a apreciar e a valorizar criações com a identidade da nossa cidade É do conhecimento de todas e todos que Brasília respira arte e que dosRead more

Christmas decoration ideas for stores

Christmas decoration ideas for stores. Photo: Christmas photo created by pvproductions -

Christmas is already coming and you can see Christmas decorations all over the city: street decorations, houses, facades and even in stores. It is a way to contribute to uplift the spirit of that time, who wants to renew energy and share good things. For stores, Christmas ornaments also help to … Read more

Pastry chef Flávio Duarte teaches recipe for Christmas cookies that can be sold for up to R $ 5,00; Check the recipe

Christmas cookies by Pastry Chef Flávio Duarte. Photo: Disclosure / MF Global Press / Personal collection.

Option to decorate, gift and serve at the holidays. Low cost and easy production, Decorated cookies can be extra income The year of 2020 It wasn't easy. In addition to all the problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic, an economic crisis in the country caused unemployment and a drop in the income of many families. So that now, … Read more
