Casa Hoffmann launches free distance learning courses and promotes virtual meetings

Hoffmann House. Photo: Disclosure.

Weekly program of activities starts next Tuesday and continues until July Two free dance courses will be offered virtually, from next tuesday (19/5), by the Cultural Foundation (FCC) and the Curitiba Institute of Art and Culture (ICAC). Those interested should access the Casa Hoffmann website – the platform created to unify the actions … Read more

Free Online Cultural Qualification in Curation at CAW

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, countless professionals will need to innovate in their products, create new projects and strengthen ideas to make up for lost time. Aiming to contribute with professionals from all over Brazil, CAW productions that carries out projects in the most varied artistic languages ​​has already qualified about 800 professionals since the year 2010 and … Read more

French Alliance of Rio de Janeiro create digital classrooms for students and offers francophone programming to the public enjoy at home

Because of the epidemiological emergency that Brazil and much of the world live in this moment, Aliança Francesa Rio de Janeiro classes will continue with the same organization of students and teachers in digital classrooms, until the date it is released the quarantine pandemic. Os cursos que foram suspensos noRead more

Italian Cultural Institute in Rio de Janeiro offers all its Italian courses offered in online mode from the day 30 March

Because of the epidemiological emergency that Brazil and much of the world live in this moment, the Italian Institute of Culture of Rio de Janeiro, official organ of the Italian Government, which aims to spread the culture and the Italian language in Brazil offer, from day 30 March, todos os cursos deRead more

House Museum Ema Klabin promotes courses and lectures with experts

Registration is open on the website The Ema Klabin Foundation promotes a series of courses and lectures on the different areas of human knowledge. Those who like photography, for example, You can enroll in two amazing courses. Um sobre Projeto Fotográfico no Livro, Inês Bonduki and Wladimir Sources. Outro sobre Fotografia Documental, com a premiadaRead more

Practice reading and creating poetry are ongoing issues facing educators free

Workshop Course Word, offered by the project Route of Culture, trabalha a linguagem escrita com educadores da zona norte A 2ª edição do projeto Rota da Cultura oferece, during the month of February, a free course on written language facing educators in the northern district of São Paulo. A ideia do Ateliê da PalavraRead more

Check out the lectures and workshops in the House-Museum Ema Klabin

Also there will be a Day in honor of the centenary of the birth of the essayist, art critic and university professor Gilda de Mello e Souza (1919-2005) The House-Museum Ema Klabin fosters a cycle of lectures on Roman identities, Near East, São Paulo and identity of museums. The meetings bring together experts like the doctor in Roman Archeology at the Université Lumière, … Read more

“Through Glass” It offers glassmaking art workshops in São Paulo

Between November and January, plastic artist Debora Muszkat carries out the project with courses for beginners and advanced students São Paulo, October 2019 - On Monday, day 28, It takes place the opening of the project "Through the Glass", in São Paulo, created by the artist Debora Muskat. Precursor art with the substance, ela oferece entre outubro eRead more

São Paulo will meet on the Shroud of Turin from the Holy, Art and Science

Relic renowned researcher, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, will do an analysis of the theme based on his unprecedented research Have you ever imagined analyzing one of the most exciting enigmas still present in humanity, the Holy Shroud of Turin, using areas of knowledge, the principle, They look completely different from one another, mas estão mais interligadas do que seRead more

John Uchôa Cinema Course receives director of the hit TV Globo

The attraction will be open to the public and completely free of charge with the aim of bringing together the great professionals of Cinema and TV with their students, teachers, graduates and the general public, Francisco Malta – coordenador do curso de Cinema da Estácio do campus João Uchôa – receberá Vinicius Coimbra – diretor de grande sucesso daRead more
