Virtual lectures of the project “Art Meeting of Afro-Azorean Culture” continue this Thursday (3)

Antônio Lopes de Matos, the Master Zango: ancestral knowledge. Photo: Felipe Janicsek.

June suits, suits of kings and the trajectory of a trailblazer are the theme of the lectures that show personalities and cultural expressions of the Middle Coast. Three virtual talks highlighting the contribution of personalities and artistic-cultural expressions identifying the Middle Coast of RS continue, This Thursday, day 03 of June, to the programming of the project “Arte Encontro … Read more

Award-winning illustrators share professional experiences on YouTube channel

Roger Mello, art. Photo: Disclosure.

Designers from all over Brazil share professional experiences in transmissions – live – by the project: Meetings with Illustrators Initiative to enhance the habit of reading and foster the editorial market Important names have already participated in thought-provoking and relaxed conversations, in the series proposed by the project. Now, it's time for the public to dive into the universes … Read more

Casa-Museu Ema Klabin promotes meetings with great writers

Milton Hatoum. Photo: Olga Vlahou.

Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José Roberto Walker. In addition to new talents like Fabiana Vanz The Casa-Museu Ema Klabin continues with its rich cultural program through the #CasaMuseuEmCasa Project. During the months of July, August and September lives with big names in literature are confirmed, mediated by Ana Beatriz Demarchi, such as: Milton Hatoum, Betty Milan, José … Read more

São Paulo will meet on the Shroud of Turin from the Holy, Art and Science

Relic renowned researcher, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, will do an analysis of the theme based on his unprecedented research Have you ever imagined analyzing one of the most exciting enigmas still present in humanity, the Holy Shroud of Turin, using areas of knowledge, the principle, They look completely different from one another, but they are more interconnected than if … Read more

thematic meeting on Cultural Unibes discusses social media and the art market | 18jun2019

Latitude Project brings together experts in São Paulo to discuss the impact of using social media on the dynamics of the art market. To Apply here: The Latitude - Platform for Brazilian Art Galleries Abroad project promotes on the day 18 of June, Tuesday, from 10 to 13 hours, in Cultural Unibes, in São Paulo, the thematic meeting “Galleries of … Read more

Museum of the Republic receives Poets Meeting of Portuguese Language

EPLP reaches its fifth edition with commemorative anthology Poetry celebrates once again the Portuguese language. From day 31 August, It will be held the fifth edition of the Meeting of Poets of the Portuguese Language (V EPLP). The opening ceremony will be at the Museum of the Republic - Catete Palace, in Rio de … Read more

Curitiba will receive the first meeting of Urban Sketchers of Brazil

From 21 to 24 April, weekend of Tiradentes, Curitiba will become the national capital of "urban sketchers", Note that drawing mode has become increasingly popular throughout the planet. Participants are expected from around the Brazil, In addition to the Curitiba group, one of the largest in the country. The city was … Read more