One of Brazil's greatest cultural heritages opens the program for the 32nd edition of the Curitiba Festival, bringing the challenge of toadas from the bumbás of Parintins, in the Amazon
One of the largest and most important performing arts festivals of Brazil, the Curitiba Festival announced its official schedule for the 32nd edition, that occurs from 25 March to 7 April.
Recently released, One of the most anticipated attractions by the public will be the show “Capricious and Guaranteed: The Amazon Duel”, which brings for the first time to the South of Brazil one of the country's main cultural heritage, through an invitation for the public to “immerse themselves” in the strength of forest popular culture, with their legends, celebrations, indigenous rituals and customs of the riverside caboclo universe translated into art, toada and Boi Bumbá.
In addition to the presentation at the official opening of the 32nd edition, the public will be able to see the attraction in two sessions at Musical Season Show, in the days 26 and 27 March, to 20h30, no Positive Theatre.
Tickets are now available via the website, or at the official physical ticket office located at ParkShoppingBarigüi (ground floor).
With more than 110 years of history, bone wood Guaranteed and Capricious are a fundamental part of Amazonian culture, at the Parintins Festival, an apotheotic cultural event that brings together thousands of people in a festive celebration.
In the center of the festival, performed annually, there are the oxen with each of the associations represented by their colors – blue and red -, protagonists of a rivalry that turns into a spectacle of love for popular culture and, mainly, through the Amazon region, forming together the largest open-air festival in the world.
The public of Curitiba Festival you can check out a sample of what is on display in the Bumbódromo arena, during the three days of the Parintins Folklore Festival, which always take place on the last weekend of June.
The two groups of oxen, Its official items and dancers will evolve with the tunes that are the soundtrack of this wonder of Brazilian culture and art..
“We are happy to be able to bring this unique show to the South of Brazil for the first time., a celebration of forest culture and tradition. It is an attraction that enchants and excites, which will certainly leave an indelible mark on the history of the Curitiba Festival and, also, city, of Paraná and the south of the country”, we commented Leandro Knopfholz and Fabíula Passini, directors of Curitiba Festival.
The legend of the boi-bumbá – The story is told differently every year..
In the legend that gave rise, Mother Catirina, that she was pregnant, feel the desire to eat beef tongue, specifically, “master’s” favorite animal, the rich farmer to whom her husband, Father Francisco, worked.
To please your wife, Francisco kills the animal.
Upon discovering, after calling a doctor to certify the ox's death, the boss orders the capture of his servant.
To bring life back to the animal, the “master” calls a priest, which is currently represented by Pajé who, with your rituals, manages to resuscitate the animal, reason for celebration with a great party that also marks the forgiveness of Father Francisco and Mother Catirina.
The Musical Season Show is presented by the Joel Malucelli Institute and Positivo University.
already Exhibition Lucia Camargo is presented by Banco do Brasil, Sanepar and Trader – Energy Trading, sponsored by EBANX, Banco CNH Industrial e New Holland, ClearCorrect, Copel – Pure Energy, Brush, UNINTER and GRASP.
Keep up with all the news and information on the Curitiba Festival website, through social networks available on Facebook @fest.curitiba, by Instagram @festivaldecuritiba and by Twitter @Fest_curitiba.
“Capricious and Guaranteed: The Amazon Duel”
Musical Season Show – 32º Curitiba Festival
Date: 26 and 27 March, at 8:30 pm.
Local: Positive Theatre (Rua Prof.. Pedro de Souza Viriato Parigot, 5300 – Ecoville)
Rating: Free
Duration: 1h30
Tickets: and at the exclusive physical box office at ParkShoppingBarigüi – ground floor – (Rua Pedro Viriato Parigot de Souza, 600 – Ecoville), from Monday to Saturday, from 10:0 to 9:0 pm, and, Sundays and holidays, das 12h às 20h.
Also check out special discounts for employees of supporting companies, Banco do Brasil customers, discount clubs and associations.

It's a wonderful show!!
To everyone involved, Congratulations!, as the exhibition will create a new map with a greater perception of the magnitude of the Amazon, being extended to the south of the country, creating a huge point for Curitiba and for other Brazilians who awaken their consciences to this seventh wonder that we contemplate ..
It is an excellent opportunity for the people of our region and other people from other locations interested in being present live…
From the magic of the Amazon, to the emotions of watching a show that impacts the soul in our most sensitive and relevant feelings of the power of the voice of our own nature…
It's all the splendor of the jungle with its natural children, your art and culture in music, in dance and its folklore as a whole with its legends full of tales of profound creativity with manifestation of love, respect , and understanding the importance of the forest for Brazil and the world …
Wow, what contagious enthusiasm! It looks like the Curitiba Festival is providing a truly magnificent experience. Congratulations to the organizers and everyone involved for bringing a show that not only enchants, but also raises awareness of the grandeur of the Amazon.
It's amazing how events like this can create a new map of perception, expanding understanding of the importance of the Amazon to the south of the country. The union of the magic of the Amazon, a expressão artística e cultural dos bois Caprichoso e Garantido, e a energia envolvente do folclore da região prometem ser uma experiência inesquecível para todos os presentes.
Que essa celebração inspire ainda mais amor, respeito e compreensão pela importância vital da floresta não apenas para o Brasil, mas para o mundo. E que a alegria desse espetáculo ecoe por todos os cantos, conectando corações à beleza e diversidade da nossa natureza! 🌳🎶🌟
Que espetáculo!
Sempre tive o desejo de ir ver o boi bumbá em Parintins.
Então eis que esta apresentação será realizada aqui em Curitiba, bem pertinho.
Very good, estarei lá com certeza…
Que empolgante, Eliane! Parece que seu desejo de ver o boi bumbá em Parintins será realizado bem pertinho de você, aqui em Curitiba. Que sorte poder vivenciar essa apresentação cheia de cores, ritmo e tradição!
Tenho certeza de que será uma experiência única, cheia de energia e emoção. Aproveite cada momento desse espetáculo que traz um pedacinho da Amazônia para o Sul do Brasil. Se quiser compartilhar suas impressões depois, estarei ansiosa para ouvir tudo sobre essa jornada cultural que está prestes a vivenciar. Divirta-se muito no Festival de Curitiba! 🌈🐂✨