Curitiba Festival brings it to the South of Brazil for the first time, Capricious and Guaranteed, the Amazon ox duel

PARINTINE WOOD. Photo: Disclosure / Government of Amazonas.

One of Brazil's greatest cultural heritages opens the program for the 32nd edition of the Curitiba Festival, bringing the challenge of toadas from the bumbás of Parintins, in Amazonas One of the largest and most important performing arts festivals in Brazil, the Curitiba Festival announced its official program for the 32nd edition, that occurs from … Read more

Shopping Fiesta hosts show of Circo dos Sonhos

Circus of Dreams in the Fantasy World. Photo: Rodrigo Frota.

Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat of Culture and UOL present “CIRCUS OF DREAMS IN THE WORLD OF FANTASY”. Completely reformulated, the show brings to the scene a fantastic adventure in a magical kingdom full of action and enchantment, with new artists and new attractions. The presentations take place in the parking lot of Shopping Fiesta from 08 January. … Read more

Tendal da Lapa inaugurates its circus canvas

Circus tent, Agenor Clown at the Tendal da Lapa Cultural Center, Flyer. Disclosure.

And honors the artist Domingos Montagner, giving the name of Clown Agenor to space. The canvas will receive several circus shows this weekend, that can be followed online and in person, for free. Next Friday, 18, the Tendal da Lapa Cultural Center inaugurates its Circus Canvas with an extensive program, receiving the … Read more

Dream Circus in the Fantasy World

Dream Circus in the Fantasy World. Photo: Ecoblues.

Ministry of Tourism, Special Secretariat of Culture and UOL present “CIRCUS OF DREAMS IN THE WORLD OF FANTASY”. Completely reformulated, the show brings to the scene a fantastic adventure in a magical kingdom full of action and enchantment, with new artists and new attractions. The presentations will take place in Guaianazes from 13 November, with prices at … Read more

Funarte Art Notice Everywhere, by Rosângela Vig

Funarte via Portal Editais e Afins. Disclosure.

Notice of Public Notice via Public Notices and Related: The National Arts Foundation - Funarte, through Editarte Funarte Arte Everywhere, will reward 494 video workshops that encourage practices and thinking aimed at the visual arts, circus, dance, theater and music. The workshops should be of a technical nature and be recorded on videos … Read more

Little Circus

Little Circus. Photo: Tami Kaumodaki.

Live of Circus brings juggles, balancing, contortion and a lot of clowning this weekend. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare your popcorn and reserve your seats on the couch, because the laughter is guaranteed with the greatest show on Earth, in the smallest circus on the planet!!! Created by Cia Suno, the Malgranda Cirko show intends to bring a little bit of … Read more