Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu launches series of books on the human mind during quarantine

Livro "7 pecados capitais que a filosofia explica", featured. Reproduction / MF Global Press.

The philosopher, psychoanalyst and specialist in studies of the human mind Fabiano de Abreu has released the second book in a series of five that will be released during the quarantine on Amazon and Google Books worldwide. The author plans to release a total of ten books later this year. During quarantine, one of the main challenges for people … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

The #CulturaemCasa project, created by the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo and Instituto Amigos da Arte, provides cultural content during the quarantine. The Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy of the State of São Paulo created the campaign together with the Instituto Amigos da Arte #CulturaemCasa, with complete materials available … Read more

Quarantine Project: incentive to the production and sale of works during and according to quarantine conditions

Artists from all over the country were invited to propose works according to quarantine conditions. All works will be sold for the same amount and divided, also, among all, besides an extra quota being reverted to the emergency fund of Casa Chama, supporting trans people. São Paulo, April 2020 – … Read more

Rio Marathon promotes live on how to keep fit and resume street training after quarantine

At the last meeting of the series on well-being and health care, promoted by the team of experts and ambassadors at the event networks, physical educator warns about the post-quarantine exercise process Rio de Janeiro, 13 April 2020 – The first season of lives held on Instagram of the Marathon of Rio de Janeiro is coming to an end. … Read more

Marathon of Rio promotes lives with expert tips

Among the topics covered are food during the quarantine period and the risks of injury in physical activities Rio de Janeiro – 07 April, 2020 – Increasingly successful in the social networks of the Rio Marathon (@maratonadoriooficial), the event's team of experts and ambassadors has been taking turns to participate in a series of lives … Read more

Psychoanalyst Abreu Fabiano talks about the increase in the number of divorces in quarantine

The expert says that at the time of quarantine we must make an assessment of reality Relationships between two people are constantly changing paths. In the times we live in, the situation is forcing many couples to live together, to share space in a way as I did not long ago. Modern society has led us to … Read more

House Museum Ema Klabin has news in quarantine

House Museum Ema Klabin has more than 1500 works of great masters world. Photo: Henry Light.

House Museum presents a rich cultural program that goes from the distance a virtual tour of the museum works, exhibitions, youtube channel at concerts, to free access to publications, including an unpublished notebook with Ema Revenue Klabin. In this age of social distancing, to reduce the spread of coronavirus, museums and cultural centers are closed. Mass … Read more

Three physical exercises to perform at home during quarantine

Along with global concern defile himself with the new coronavirus, there is concern about the issue of physical activities that help in physical and mental well-being and in strengthening immunity; especialista lista dicas para ajudar a população nesse momento São Paulo, March 2020 – Com a pandemia do novoRead more