Young author shares writing tips on Instagram

Book & quot; The Village of the Magi & quot;, by Felipe Dantas, cover - featured. Disclosure.

Felipe Dantas, author of the “Interligados” trilogy, uses his social media accounts to give writing and reading tips Tired of finding discussions between young people and teenagers on social media, the brasiliense writer of just 15 years, Felipe Dantas, found a way to share the good through his Instagram account. After … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

O projeto #CulturaemCasa idealizado pela Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo e Instituto Amigos da Arte disponibiliza conteúdo cultural durante a quarentena A Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo criou junto com o instituto Amigos da Arte a campanha #CulturaemCasa, com disponibilização de materiais completosRead more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more

Paranaense Capital is host to literary gathering

Capital Paranaense is literary gathering stage for the National Book Week promises to bring more literature to Curitiba receives between days 25 to 27 July week the National Book. The event will be attended by various authors Paraná, plus samples of literary works and chat with authors and, poets … Read more