Writer Pedro Salomão preaches happiness and talks about the era of haste

Pedro Salomão, featured. Photo: Ari Kaye.

The finalist author of the Jabuti Award 2019, mentions courage to live, anxiety and other topics that are directly linked to current life After launching the books Empreendedor Felicidade and LydereZ, Pedro Salomão is on his way to his third work and has been talking a lot about the era of haste and anxiety. The finalist author … Read more

Writer Pedro Salomão is invited to launch digital platform

O projeto #CulturaemCasa idealizado pela Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo e Instituto Amigos da Arte disponibiliza conteúdo cultural durante a quarentena A Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa do Estado de São Paulo criou junto com o instituto Amigos da Arte a campanha #CulturaemCasa, com disponibilização de materiais completosRead more
