Frida Kahlo: Online course brings life and work of the artist

Frida Kahlo: Online course brings life and work of the artist, featured. Photo: Disclosure / Aline Pascholati.

Visual artist and art historian Aline Pascholati has just launched her third online course dedicated to learning the History of Art, this time, about the amazing Frida Kahlo, early 20th century Mexican artist who became an icon of contemporary pop culture. Frida was a woman ahead of her time., … Read more

Modern Art – Expressionism in Brazil – Portinari o Pintor e o Poeta, by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 – Discovery of Earth, 1941, Tempera with Glued Support on black paper, 28,6 x 29 cm. Rights João Candido Portinari. Photo: Candido Portinari, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

made a stop, one stop for the train to carry coffee, Before, difficult roads, only ox carts transited, taking days and days. After, a house here, another there. (PORTINARI, 2018, p.19) Portinari's Poetry is confused with his Painting and it may be that this excerpt from his poem brings to mind the universe of … Read more

First Traces of Modern Art – Abstract Expressionism in Brazil by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 3 – Manabu Mabe, OSD, 50 x 60 cm, 1989, MB02, Work with certificate, Brazil Gallery. Link to the work.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: filling up the conversations, come out of the dimness, jumping, the frogs. The light dazzles them. In a roar that lands, howls the bullfrog: – “my father went to war!” – “It was not!” – “Was!” – “It was not!”. the cooper toad, Watery Parnassian, says: – … Read more

First Traces of Modern Art – Expressionism in Brazil by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 6 – The Discovery of the Earth, Cândido Portinari, Mural Painting in the Library of Congress Building, Washington, 1941. Photo: Candido Portinari, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: my heart feels very sad… While the gray of goose bumps dialogues a lament with the wind… my heart feels very happy! This upturned chill makes you want to smile! And I follow. And I'm feeling, to the restless alacrity of winter, such as … Read more


Italo Moriconi, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The poet and professor of History of Art Nuno Rau leads a workshop on Poetic Experimentation between 9/8 and 29/11, always on mondays, from 17h to 19h, by Instituto Estação das Letras. The meetings are online and will work with the thought and practice of the poem today: what is the poem? The … Read more

Art historian, former curator of MoMA, open event no CCBB – 7 July

Levitation - Raisa Curty. Disclosure.

BANCO DO BRASIL CULTURAL CENTER FESTIVAL BRASÍLIA – DE 7 FROM JULY TO AUGUST 1, 2021. webinar, workshops, workshops, animation shows and concerts explore the infinite possibilities of drawing *Openture will be with Venezuelan poet and art historian Luis Pérez-Oramas, former curator of MoMA *Activities will take place outdoors, us … Read more

Historian launches online course - free! – of Art History

Aline Pascholati. Photo: Disclosure.

Art historian Aline Pascholati has just released a free online short course in Art History, in partnership with the Biography of Art website. Aline Pascholati is a visual artist and art historian certified by the Sorbonne (Paris, France) and has been working for over ten years to bring quality art content to … Read more

Retrospective 2020 Rosângela Vig

  Subjects, Art History and Opportunities in 2020 by Rosângela Vig, Let's review! Painting on Canvas, Step by step 18 – Perception of colors and shapes by Rosângela Vig National Exhibition of Arts on Papel Moinho Brasil 35 years by Rosângela Vig 5th edition Periphery Culture Promotion Program, by Rosângela … Read more

El Greco Museum by Rosângela Vig

Figure 2 – Museum entrance.

Praise beautiful things, receive them cheerfully in the spirit, to turn them into food, and thus become noble and good (…) welcome it with tenderness and recognizes it as a relative, the better the more you’ll have been prepared for this by education. (PLATO, 2004, p. 95) Ancient Greece enchanted in the field of Mythology, … Read more

Modern Art – Abstract Expressionism by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 4 – Untitled, c. 1952-1956, Jackson Pollock, ink on paper, 17 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches, 44,5 x 5x,5 cm. Courtesy of Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC, New York, NY, USA.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: You will have heard these expressions or even applied them: ‘Oh, what a glacial painting!’, You have the impression of glacial air coming in through an open window in winter. And our whole body shivers. But a correct application of “tones” and … Read more
