Art historian, former curator of MoMA, open event no CCBB – 7 July

Levitation - Raisa Curty. Disclosure.

BANCO DO BRASIL CULTURAL CENTER FESTIVAL BRASÍLIA – DE 7 FROM JULY TO AUGUST 1, 2021. webinar, workshops, workshops, animation shows and concerts explore the infinite possibilities of drawing *Openture will be with Venezuelan poet and art historian Luis Pérez-Oramas, former curator of MoMA *Activities will take place outdoors, us … Read more

Continuum Exhibition | Flávia Ribeiro | opening day 22 May

Flávia Ribeiro, Mountaineers, 2016 - bronze - 53 x 43 x 19 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

Marcelo Guarnieri Gallery São Paulo Flávia Ribeiro “Continuum” exposure period forecast 22 of May to 26 June 2021 Alameda Lorena, 1835 São Paulo, Brazil info Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri is pleased to present, between 22 May and 26 June 2021, “Continuum”, second solo exhibition of the artist … Read more

How to use frames to compose the decoration of your room

How to use frames to compose the decoration of your room. Photo: Psd frame created by freepik -

Using paintings to compose the decoration of a home is a trend that has always been on the rise. Currently, with the popularization of pop culture, this became even more evident, allowing several customization possibilities. In a living room, more specifically on a stainless steel shelf, a modern picture can make a big difference … Read more

“Thiago Rocha is a symbol of freedom and artistic boldness:”, by Juliana Vannucchi

Johnny Cash by Thiago Rocha. Photo: Disclosure.

Thiago Rocha is a resident artist from the city of Santo André, located in the state of São Paulo. Since I met your imagery productions, I was simply delighted, because Rocha has a very unique ability to unite in a single design, a number of different stylistic influences, not only referring to painting schools / techniques, but also from others … Read more

Painting on Canvas, Step by step 18 – Color and shape perception by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 9 – Jaboticabas on the trunk, 2019, Rosângela Vig.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: Little Nose didn't like to wait; She was annoyed to have to wait for Pete for a whole week. But fortunately it was jaboticaba time. There were several jaboticaba trees in Mrs. Benta's small farm, but one was enough to make them all sick to nausea. … Read more

Retrospective 2019 Rosângela Vig

  Materials and Art History in 2019 by Rosângela Vig, Let's review!   Early Traces of Modern Art - Impressionism in Brazil by Rosângela Vig Arte Moderna - Surrealism by Rosângela Vig Aesthetics of a friendship - Alfredo Volpi (1896-1988) and Bruno Giorgi (1905-1993), by Rosângela Vig Exhibition “The Amazon is Ours!" - Subway … Read more

Design – Artistic Production, Step by step 17 of how to draw by Rosângela Vig

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: young glory of the sun on a silver spoon in flames, Alva! Light Christmas, Spring day, Do not love you! Not for you, BRAVIA dog days, That to yourself you estruis, The fire that derramas! I love you, hesitant hour when … Read more

Retrospective 2018 Rosângela Vig

Many materials and History of Art by Rosangela Vig, Let's review!   Exhibition The Door by Rosangela Vig Modern Art - Cubism by Rosangela Vig Carrousel Du Louvre - Artcom Expo by Rosangela Vig Show Works "Why Not?” at Ward Nasse Gallery – USA by Rosângela Vig Visual Arts Exhibition “With License I … Read more

Engraving Museum offers vacation courses

Registrations are open for the Museum of the vacation courses of engraving city of Curitiba, with classes 8 from January to 2 February. They will be offered the linocut courses, lithograph, screen printing, drawing, illustration and a theoretical and practical workshop on publications and artist books. Information and registration by phone (41) 3321-3360 or 3321-3367. … Read more

Retrospective 2017 Rosângela Vig

A year of 2017 full of stories and art history by Rosangela Vig, Let's review!   First Traces of Modern Art - Post Impressionism by Rosangela Vig October Rose + November Blue: Celebrating life! by Rosângela Vig Gente Grande Partnership, ViP Legacy art EXPO 2017 by Rosângela Vig Exhibition “The Colors of … Read more
