“How to choose curtains” by Jessica Tan

Jessica Theodoro é Designer de Interiores.
Jessica Tan is Interior Designer.

The curtain is a key item for decoration, but before you install them in our house or apartment, we must bear in mind its function, beyond the decorative, how to control the brightness and external noise or ensure privacy. However, we have other tips associated with it, see below:

  1. Avoid curtains with dark fabrics, because it retains heat and increases the temperature. In addition to fade the fabric with sunlight.
  2. Sure what the fabric of the curtain, if it is prewashed, to avoid the risk of your curtain shrink.
  3. Use curtains made from fabric 100% synthetic, if it is to wash them at home. And think of natural fabrics, if no problem taking them in specialized laundries.
  4. Opt for man, for its easy maintenance and to install it, to clean it, Remove-la, besides being cool with any decor. Or if you want the most modern and stripped environment, use the built-in plaster ceiling cortineiro (already takes advantage of the gap between the wall and the ceiling after running the plaster project) with the option to lighten it or overlaid (like a plaster frame).
  5. Install the curtain always 30 cm and window widths. If possible leave- at the 1 to 4 cm from the ground, to give a sense of elegance and walk-direct the stretch.
  6. If curtain is installed in the room and under the window has a mobile or bed, the ideal is that it does not touch the furniture.
  7. If you want privacy, without losing the external light and the view of the landscape. Choose lightweight fabrics and fluids. So that now, if you want to block out light and external noise, invest in blackout curtain.
  8. For environments with bright colors, think of darker colors for the blind and vice versa.
  9. Think of finishes for the blind as American folds, preaches female or male, panel, with eyelets or rings, bushings or solid tissue. It is like and resident style.


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