The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes new edition of Summer school, that this year will address the topic “Jesus: God the verb image of man” and will have the Faculty reference names in question in Brazil imagery: Prof. Dr. Claudio Pastro, Prof. Dr. Jack Barnett, Prof. Dr. Marcelo James, Prof. Dr. Marcos Horácio Gomes Days, Prof. Dr. Roberto Coelho Son Barrier, Prof. Dr. Sidney Vares, Profª Vanessa Beatriz Bortulucce and Prof. Dr. Wilma Steagall dash, under the coordination of Prof.. Dr. Jack Barnett, with hours of 76 hours.
The course, open to all interested, Search offer solid theoretical and practical subsidies on the construction soon-imagery of Jesus Christ, whose representation, in the early days of Christianity, was restricted to symbols, the cristogramas or the references to the words of the Master, but that left for their direct representation, stabilizing in the figure of the Byzantine Pantocrátor and its congeners. The divine word, therefore, becomes also Image, Incarnating in a support built by human hands.
The universe comprises theoretical classes of:
- Byzantine sacred art, Romanesque and Baroque
- Brazilian contemporary sacred art
- Sacred art Tomb
- History of Christianity
- Iconofilia and iconoclasm
- Christian iconography
- Christian iconology
- Sindonologia
- Theology of the image
Among the practical activities, There will be guided tours to the Metropolitan Cathedral of São Paulo (Catedral da Sé); the monastery of St. Benedict; the Church of St. Francis of Assisi (Third Order); Orthodox Metropolitan Cathedral, the Church Nossa Senhora do Paraíso; the Church of our Lady of health; the National Basilica of Aparecida; the collection of the Museum of sacred art of São Paulo. All the outside activities are included in the value of the course.
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Period: 9 to 21 January 2017 (including Saturdays) |
Time: 8H30 at 5:10 pm (coffee breaks and lunch) |
Load time: 76 hours |
Value: R$ R$ 800 (in sight) or R$ 900 (in installments in 3 times) |
Inscriptions: [email protected] – until 06/01/2017 – LIMITED PLACES |
Information: (11) 5627.5393 |
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo |
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes. |
Free parking (or access alternative): Rua Jorge Miranda, 43 |
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate. |
Before you make your registration, click here check out the conditions for registration. |