Free Course: Everyday life in the middle ages spaces between God and man


The Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo promotes a free course on the topic “Everyday life in the middle ages, spaces between God and man” with Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Landeira.


PROF. DR. JOSE LUIS LANDEIRA is professor of Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo, degree in Romance languages and literatures at the University of Coimbra, Master's degree in Philology and Portuguese Language (USP) and Ph.d. in language and Education (USP). His research has deepened the relations between artistic language and transcendence.


General objective
Understand general aspects of medieval daily life, particularly, with regard to how the theocentric vision organizes life in the middle ages.

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the daily life in your relationship with medieval religiosity, with the knowledge and with the power.
  • Relate the essential elements that make up the medieval setting with contemporary thought, seeking approaches and fields of interest.
  • Comment masterpieces of art, medieval literature and thought.

This course, in six meetings, It is proposed to analyze essential elements that make up the daily life in a medieval constant dialogue between art, the architecture, the philosophy, history and literature, building approaches between the past and our contemporary reality.

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1. The emergence and the medieval thought: essential aspects.
2. The everyday life in the middle ages: social classes and the worldviews
3. The Pilgrim: a medieval event
4. The daily coexistence with the wonderful and with the Holy
5. The miracles, the relics and shrines in the middle ages
6. Education in the middle ages
7. The art, the conviviality and pleasure in the middle ages
8. The emergence of the bourgeoisie
9. The witches and the hookers in the middle ages
10. The symbolism of animals in the middle ages
11. What the middle ages has to teach us

The program will be fulfilled to form spiral, that is, the themes will not be weary in a single session, but will return, widening the scope of knowledge, According to the associations that they establish among themselves and with the proposed objectives.

When: days 30 of October, 06, 13, 20 and 27 November and 04 December 2017 (6 days of school)

Time: 19h to 9:00 pm
Load time: 15 hours
Value: R$ 320,00 the view or R$ 360,00 (03 times)

Inscriptions: [email protected] LIMITED PLACES

Information: (11) 5627.5393 with Fatima
Local: Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo
Address: Avenida Tiradentes, 676, Light. Subway Tiradentes.
Parking lot: Rua Jorge Miranda, 43.
At the end of the course the student will receive the certificate.
Before you make your registration, check out the conditions for registration on the website BUT.

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