Designer Jewelry Fair
The Art Lab Gallery houses Expo Jewelry II, second edition of copyright jewelry fair, curated by Juliana Monaco, now with a broader and more concrete purpose. from this edition, to Jewelry Expo II, in addition to providing an opportunity for creatives to be present in direct contact with the public, they will also be able to use the moment both as a platform for social inclusion and insertion in the job market.
The part related to technique and 'making jewelry' can be taught in courses and faculties but contact with the public, with the real market, is often hampered by the lack of contacts and knowledge of the rules of operation of the same.
The Art Lab Gallery emerges as a facilitator for this meeting and dynamizes this first contact, encouraging the complementary work of artist jewelers.
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37 creative, among jewelers, plastic artists and designers will be present, presenting their pieces directly to the public, with the unique opportunity to talk about their creations, inspirations as well as available to new market proposals.
Exhibition: Expo Jóia II
Curated By: Juliana Monaco
creative: Alexandra Hardt, Andrea Nince, Boreale Jewelry, Cocoon School of Jewelry, Cris Lezo, Daniel Ramos Funes, Elcio Maiani, Elisa Fracchiolla, Fernanda Delpizzo, Flavia Vidal, Graphis School of Drawing, Helio Kawakami, Inesita Easter, Jacque Basso, Yes & Co., Juliana Xavier Joias, Kathy Nature, labmobili, LECARLE JEWELS, Lena Emediato, Lisia Barbieri, Luciana Laborne, silver magic, Maison Borogodó, Marcel Motta, Marla Designer, Nogh, Or Noir, Pedro Sergio Chaves, Perséfone.lab, Plume Jewelry, poem, canister Joias, Rafael Ilhascas – Emotional Jewelry, Sabrina Azoury, SK Design, City of Follies.
Dates: 04 and 05 June 2022.
event time: saturday and sunday, from 11 at 19h
Local: Art Lab Gallery
Address: S. Oscar Freire, 916 – Gardens, São Paulo – SP
Time: Tuesday to Saturday from 11 am to 7 pm
Contact: [email protected]
Instagram: @artlabgalleryoscarfreire