Exhibitions: GUIMA & Cabinet, Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri

Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri


Sao Paulo Alameda Lorena, 1835
São Paulo – SP – Brazil info www.galeriamarceloguarnieri.com.br

Room 1 GUIMA


Room 2 Cabinet: Alfredo Volpi, Alice Shintani, Antonio Lizarraga, Eleanor cook, Elisa Bracher, Flávio de Carvalho, Gerty Saruê, Helena Carvalhosa, Iberê Camargo, Ismael Nery, Ivan Serpa, LIUBA, Luiz Paulo Baravelli, Marcello Grassmann, Maria Leontina, Mira Schendel, Niobe Xandó, Paola Junqueira, Pedro Correia de Araujo, Roberto Magalhães, Tarsila do Amaral and Waltercio Caldas.

exposure period 16 from July to 13 August 2022
opening 16 July, 2022 / 10h-17h

The Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri features, from 16 from July to 13 August 2022, at our headquarters in São Paulo, “Guima”, of solo exhibition from the artist from São Paulo and “Cabinet”, collective exhibition with works by Alfredo Volpi, Alice Shintani, Antonio Lizarraga, Elisa Bracher, Eleanor cook, Flávio de Carvalho, Gerty Saruê, Helena Carvalhosa, Iberê Camargo, Ismael Nery, Ivan Serpa, LIUBA, Luiz Paulo Baravelli, Marcello Grassmann, Maria Leontina, Mira Schendel, Niobe Xandó, Paola Junqueira, Pedro Correia de Araujo, Roberto Magalhães, Tarsila do Amaral and Waltercio Caldas. That's Sin 1 paintings by the taubatean GUIMA will be presented (1927-1993) produced during the decades 1960 and 1970 by Salah 2 drawings will be presented, whether they are works or preparatory studies, produced between the years 1920 and 2020 by Brazilian artists from different generations.

GUIMA is Luis Moreira Castro Toledo de Souza Guimarães. Born in Taubaté in 1927 and trained as an artist in Rio de Janeiro at traditional centers of arts studies such as MAM RJ and Escola do Povo (founded by Portinari, Oscar Niemeyer and Quirino Campofiorito), devoted himself to engraving, to the drawing and painting of seascapes and deserted rural landscapes, often inhabited by fantastic and monstrous beings. Such figures – winged fish, dragons and other giant hybrids – arise from diverse influences, such as the biblical Apocalypse, the images of the unconscious explored by the Surrealists and the bestiary of Marcello Grassmann, artist who was also his engraving teacher. GUIMA's paintings range from the silent calm of the green fields of Vale do Paraíba, the gloomy environments of early morning nightmares and the tragic feeling of storms on the high seas. GUIMA participated in the IX Bienal de São Paulo (1967), from the collective “The Monster in Modern Art” (1967), from 17th, 18st, 1922nd and 22nd editions of the National Salon of Modern Art (1968, 1969, 1970, 1973), of the 25th Salon Paraná (1968) and the 16th Art and Ecological Thought (1978), among other.

“Cabinet” gathers works in drawing produced by twenty-two artists at different moments in the history of Brazilian art in a period of one hundred years. The set of works allows us to observe different ways in which the artists explored the trail of friction on paper., either through the classic modalities of language such as observation drawing – living model, landscape, dead nature -, either through the investigation of its plastic and structural elements - the trace and the geometry, for example – or even through its use as a tool for studies and projects.


Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri

GUIMA and Cabinet Exhibitions

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Exposure period: 16 th July 2022 to 13 August 20212

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Free entrance

Alameda Lorena, 1835 - Gardens

São Paulo – SP – Brasil / 01424 002

tel +55 (11) 3063 5410 / | [email protected]

themselves - sex: 10h to 19hs.

Saturday – 10h to 17hs

More info, access the page www.galeriamarceloguarnieri.com.br

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