The writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, are in Luanda, capital of Angola, to launch the book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” the University Gregorio Semedo on Tuesday, day 18.
On Monday, day 17, He was the special guest in three of the biggest TV shows in Angola to talk about the work.
In the program “Hot Time”, the most successful talk show in the country, the presenter Manuel Cabingando asked questions about the book and about the work of Fabiano de Abreu with famous in Brazil. Cabingando asked for tips for anyone who wants to be a musician, model or successful artist, In addition to reading excerpts from “Live Might Not Be So Bad”.
“Cabingano has a great attitude, is practical, the program is short, so you have to enjoy every minute to explore the ultimate in a conversation and he manages it. I really like your program, was tapped from the trip, very tired, but it was great including the rebound that gave the social network”, exalts Fabiano de Abreu.

On TV Zimbo, major-Domo of Angola, the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist was interviewed in the program “Sixth Sense”, submitted by Dina Simon.
“The program is a breakfast and airs of 9:00 at 12:00. The chat was really nice. Dina asked what it's like to work with famous, asked for tips and talked a lot about the book”, Fabiano de Abreu account.
“You know what makes a press agent?” It was one of the phrases of Dina Simon that caught the attention of the public. “Let's talk to you give me some tips”, He said the presenter in the range of the program.

“I thought Dina very simple, with a wonderful voice to listen, a smart woman, I felt really good and comfortable in your program. She's a real artist, a real celebrity and will be marked in my life”, exalts the author of the book “Live Might Not Be So Bad”.
In the program “The Afternoon Is Our” Zap TV, the interview with Bob Abreu was broadcast live to Angola, Mozambique and South Africa. “I was happy when the presenter Stela de Carvalho spoke a few sentences of the book color. It was very rewarding for me”, highlights the philosopher.
The book launch on Tuesday, day 18, the University Gregorio Semedo, will the presence of celebrities and Angolan authorities, will be broadcast live on TV, Besides being present all the media of the country.
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“I didn't expect such a reception, I thought I was going to come throw the book and go. When I went to see had drivers, people to guide me and I was invited to the three largest programs in the country: a morning, another in the afternoon and another at night. It rained Angolans in my Facebook texting affectionate. Amazing how they value the culture here asking me and passing all of this. They are curious, they want to know and, for me, curiosity is something of such intelligence. The curious seek to obtain knowledge. I would like to thank Elaine Ranzatto for all you've done for me here and to all Angolans. Would have to list many names, but I'm going to thank everyone personally and I hope to see them without missing a even at launch. Leave Angola happy because I learned a lot here, with these people, and I'm leaving happy with the care received”, Finalizes Fabiano de Abreu.
About the book “Live Might Not Be So Bad”
“The book deals with all kinds of theme and situation, things that flashed in my head, things I saw or lived and carried to the role. In my life I met a lot of people, by 10 years went importer traveling the world and artistic advisor today, both media if you know people all the time. Got rocks on the road all the time, life is a war, I wouldn't call it live and Yes survive, We survived with the weight we have to be better in everything we do and with the weight of financial obligation to conduct a life. Life can be wonderful if we want to be wonderful, everything is the result of choice and attitudes, We can't simply be free doing what goes and what can, We have to know how to play the game of life and handle ourselves means and tricks to have a better life. The fact that survive doesn't mean that we can't live in this survival. We have to learn to live in survival”, says Fabiano de Abreu.

The writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist explains that the book covers occasions already passed, heard or saw with their own eyes: “The ideas happen when we are sure that happened and it worked. Chances are not tangible like experience to serve as a lesson. The life experience helped me a lot because I was Rico and broke, After I restarted my life, I lived the sentimental experience financial drive and the result of it all. I came to conclusions that I believe who will from heaven to hell can know. I just haven't had the experience of being close to death yet, I hope I wasn't too, but it would be another experience that raises the knowledge the types of subjects who lived can know. The whole load of experience in life that make a difference and keep in memory was significant to that experience and learning to move on”.
The author also as developed the ideas of the work “Live Might Not Be So Bad”. “I like to spend a lot of time alone, is really the best time to think because we don't have to think about pleasing who's on our side or serve this person, what takes the concentration. Noted excerpts that came to mind even driving or in a chat with someone. I note in my Evernote. I think a lot, I think all the time, until almost go crazy for this. I even went to a psychiatrist to think less (laughs), but I chose not to follow the meds because I don't want to think less, my job requires that I have come up with ideas for content and make people get famous. It's so hilarious because it's so boring sometimes and I work with that. Fame is good for making money, because the popularity results that. If the farmer's son knew how good the life you have, I wouldn't be leaving the interior so empty to the madness of big cities. I think in the future to write in the silence of the mountain looking green and the sky”, Finalizes Fabiano de Abreu.