Mayor launches ten bids to hire 261 cultural projects


The mayor Rafael Greca launched on Monday (22/1) ten new edicts of the Municipal Fund of Culture in various artistic fields, the total amount of R$ 2,9 million. The application period starts on Monday and runs until 21 February. The announcements with all the information is available at the Cultural Foundation site.

This year, seven edicts are more than in 2017, when it was launched three calls of Municipal Fund for Culture, the total amount of R$ 2,5 million: R$ 1 million in Carnival Notice 2018; R$ 1, 2 million in Audiovisual Notice; e R$ 300 thousand in Bidding Theater Paiol.

"The year 2018 marks a great advance of the cultural movement of Curitiba. For the first time the city has also bids for each Regional, expanding cultural programming that is made in the neighborhoods”, said the mayor. “Culture is a bird with two wings: one is creativity, the other is the tradition. With the innovation of creativity and tradition of our Curitiba memory will soar to again be featured in the cultural scene of Brazil. "

They will be launched four calls the performing arts area and other visual arts, comics, folklore and cultural traditions, literature and new languages ​​- the latter unheard, as well as a hiring notice shows and artistic workshops for all regional city. Altogether they will be hired 261 cultural projects.



In the Notice of Cultural and Artistic Dissemination of Regional Centers of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation will be selected 150 projects shows and workshops in the areas of performing arts, visual arts, music and folklore, handicrafts, popular culture and other traditional cultural expressions. these projects, which will receive a total of R $ 500 thousand, They should be developed in the neighborhoods, taking into account the culture of decentralization goals.

In the area of ​​performing arts will be contracted 18 proposals - three puppet theater for children, four shows for children and youth, four circus-seven dance. For the Theater Bidding Pia - Season 2018 (animated shapes for children) They will be made available R $ 120 thousand; Notice to Antonio Carlos Kraide 2018 (children and young parts), R$ 180 thousand; for Circus City Notice - Canvas Ze Priguiça, R$ 300 thousand; and the Dance Notice - Solar 2018, also R $ 300 thousand.

In the case of the Circus Ze Priguiça notice, located in Alto Boqueirão, proposals should include not only the assembly of spectacles as well as offering circus workshops for children and youth, exploring the artistic and pedagogical aspects of circus language. The dance notice will provide financial support to professional dance solos assemblies for presentations at Casa Hoffmann - Movement Studies Center.

All other tenders have the amount of R $ 300 thousand each. The Stock Notice Reading Incentive - Literature 2018 will hire 20 story-performing project stories and read cycles in different literary genres. The Occupation Notice of exhibition spaces 2018 select five proposals for exhibitions for the Museum of Engraving and Photography.

Aiming to promote the production of comics, illustration, cartoon e RPG, It will be released the Notice Publication 2018 to select nine publishing projects (printed or virtual) in this area. In addition to publishing, the project must contain the launch event, an exhibition and a workshop, all free, wherein at least one of them is developed in Curitiba Gibiteca.

O prefeito Rafael Greca juntamente com o presidente da Fundação Cultural de Curitiba Marcelo Cattani, lançaram nesta segunda feira, dez novos editais do Fundo Municipal da Cultura em diversas áreas artísticas, no valor total de R$ 2,9 milhões. Curitiba, 22/01/2018. Foto: Valdecir Galor/SMCS.
The mayor Rafael Greca along with the president of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba Marcelo Cattani, They released this Monday, ten new edicts of the Municipal Fund of Culture in various artistic fields, the total amount of R$ 2,9 million. Curitiba, 22/01/2018. Photo: Valdecir Galor / SMCS.

The Folklore and Cultural Traditions Notice 2018 It aims to encourage demonstrations in folklore and popular culture area, in sports such as crafts, dance, poetry, music, theater, and cooking corner. They will be contracted 35 projects in this notice.

Closing the list, an innovation: the Shared Authorship Notice and Temporary Basis - Creativities Center Curitiba, which includes new languages ​​and collective creations. will be selected 24 proposals and applicants can choose between two modes - the occupation of the Creativity Center and occupation of public spaces or alternative spaces.

Present were the president of the Curitiba Cultural Foundation, Marcelo Cattani, the superintendent of the institution, Ana Cristina Castro, and Bob Lanza directors (Cultural action), Cristiano Morrissy (Adm. Financial), Haning Pache (Incentive) and Marcelo Sutil (Heritage) and President of the ICAC, Marino G Jr.

Service: Notices of the Municipal Culture Fund

Notice and registration form available in the Curitiba Cultural Foundation website:

Inscriptions: until 12 pm of the day 21 February

Information: [email protected]

the announcements:

Cultural and Artistic Dissemination Notice of Regional Centers of Curitiba Cultural Foundation - R $ 500 thousand - Selection 150 projects

City Circus Notice, Canvas Ze Priguiça - Dissemination and Training Circus - Season 2018 – R$ 300 thousand - four projects

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Notice Theater Pia - Season 2018 - Diffusion in Animated Forms of Small Formats for Children - R $ 120 thousand - three projects

Notice Antonio Carlos Kraide - Season 2018 - Diffusion in Theater for Children and Youth - R $ 180 thousand - four projects

Notice Dance Area - Solar 2018 – R$ 300 thousand - seven projects

the Reading Incentive Stock Notice - Literature 2018 – R$ 300 one thousand - 20 projects

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Occupation notice of Expository Spaces 2018 – R$ 300 thousand - five projects

Publication Notice 2018 - Comics, Illustration, Cartoon, RPG – R$ 300 thousand - nine projects

Notice Folklore and Cultural Traditions 2018 – R$ 300 one thousand - 35 projects

Shared Authorship Notice and Temporary Basis - Curitiba Creativity Center 2018 – R$ 300 one thousand - 24 projects

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