Regionals Cajuru and Tatuquara offer music lessons for children and adolescents in school contraturno. The classes are part of the project Set, starting this semester and until the end of 2018 will reach all the city regional. The decentralization of the Conservatory of MPB seeks to intensify the development of children and youth through music and offer musical training for students of public schools.
"The idea of Music is the music courses multiply Regionals, so that they are extensions of the Conservatory of MUSIC ", explains the Mayor Rafael Greca. "We want to get all the talents of Curitiba and not waste any, so that all children who like music to participate. Thus, soon we will reach all the Regionals ", says mayor.
The load time is 90 minutes and classes take place twice a week. The classes consist of practices of body percussion, instrumental, choir singing, youth choirs, recorder, musical games, work of perception and music appreciation, construction of instruments, solfège, Brazilian and international repertoire approach, among others.
Professor Santiago Rao comments that have notes important achievements of the project. "There are kids who arrived without any knowledge of music, but were discovering. Now we are losing the shame and leaving school taking home what they learn ", ensures the teacher.

The project also has the prospect of referral to other stages of music training, as the choice of learning instruments or vocal training. The student Gabriel Henry, the Escola Municipal Mayor Osmar Sabbag, had interest in the course because you want to have a band. "I'd never done a music class, but I'm learning to control my voice. As I have my band, I know that this knowledge will be used in my future ".
Teachers, who will be teaching and continuous training tracking, are, in your most, graduates of degree courses of the UNESPAR UNIVERSITIES – Curitiba Campus I and II, the Federal University of Paraná-PUCPR and Arts Department – Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná.
"The work on the first month's sensational, the number of children is growing and already see results. We realize that are hungry to learn. Is a trade, We teach and learn a lot from them ", highlights the teacher Celia Albuquerque.
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The student Rafael Andreatta, State College student Paulo Leminski, already in Our corner of the Regional Coral Cajuru and States that the Music brings new content to your study. "I'm getting important teachings here. I'm very excited ", emphasizes Rafael.
The project was drawn from a pedagogical plan under the supervision of Professor Angela Sasse Deeke, the Unespar universities and PUCPR, with the collaboration of the conductor of the choir of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba, Mara Campos, Cristiane Alexandre teacher, Paideia school, and teachers William Romanelli of UFPR and Louis Bourscheidt of IFPR – Curitiba Campus.
Service: |
Periodicity: Six-monthly cycle, two days a week (4 weekly classes) |
Target audience: Open to students enrolled in public schools, from 7 to 17 years. |
Duration: October to December 2017. |
Timetables: Morning – 9:00 to 11:45/Late-1:30 pm to 4:15 pm |
Registration directly at the core of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba |
Cajuru Regional |
Local: Av. Mayor Maurice Fruet, 2150 -Cajuru, Curitiba |
More info: (41) 3361-2302 |
Tatuquara Regional |
Local: OlivardoKonoroski Bueno Street, s/nº, corner with Rua Pres. John George-Tatuquara |
Contact:(41) 3265-4191 |