Toriba promotes the festival “Winter Music from the Magic Mountain” – from 19 from June to 21 on Sep

Pianist Karin Fernandes and cellist Adriana Holtz, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

CAMPOS DO JORDÃO WILL HAVE, ALL WINTER, THE FESTIVAL “MUSIC IN THE WINTER OF THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN” O Toriba, in Campos do Jordao, the most musical of Brazilian hotels, through its Toriba Musical project it maintains an excellent musical program with performances during all 52 weeks of the year. And now, intensifying musical activities, back to … Read more

Last week of the Toriba Musical Festival has recitals with string quartet and lyrical singers

Adriana Bernardes, soprano, featured. Photo: Reinaldo Opice.

LAST WEEK OF “FESTIVAL TORIBA MUSICAL” HAS STRING QUARTET, RECITES WITH LYRICS SINGERS AND STILL SINGING GIRLS FROM CAMPOS DO JORDÃO The unprecedented Toriba Musical Festival comes to an end, that from 23 de Setembro held at the Hotel Toriba thirty live musical performances with an audience presence - the first in Brazil … Read more