Musicians from Brazil and Argentina are in the programming of the music workshop

The artistic programming of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba on Friday (22) is varied, with shows bringing together Brazilian and Argentine musicians. The first to appear is the Nymphas Group, from Curitiba, at 12:30, in the chapel Santa Maria. The Tough group Tierra, of Buenos Aires, does show at 7:00 pm, in the theater of the Armory. … Read more

At the end of the classical phase, recitals of students take the 34th music workshop

A series of recitals will be held this Friday (15), in various cultural spaces, for students of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba, you go up to the stage to put into practice the results of one week of intensive courses and studies. The performances at the Palace of liberty, Paiol theater, Londrina Theater and Our Lady Sanctuary … Read more

Symphonic Band of the 34th music workshop makes presentation at Guairão

Approximately 80 students will be on stage at the Teatro Guaíra to the concert of the Symphonic Band of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba. The show, This Thursday (14), at 8:30 pm, marks the closure of the school of practice of this kind of training set, bringing together basically wooden instruments, brass and percussion. The regency is … Read more

Medieval songs, year, guitar and singing are options on the programming Workshop

Wednesday's schedule (13) the 34th music workshop of Curitiba offers several options. In addition to the Quartet Carlos Gomes at Guairão (20h30), There are three concert dates for the 6:30 pm, in the theater of the Armory, Liberty Palace and Chapel Santa Maria. The Armory, the set of ancient music Illvminatta, official artistic group of the Technological University … Read more

Music Workshop concert will have rare works of Bach

The audience of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba will have the opportunity to meet one of the most complex works of the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, rarely performed in its full version. The book "the art of Fugue" will be presented on Tuesday (12), at 12:30, in the theater of the Armory, by core teachers of ancient music. "That … Read more

Teachers of the music workshop make concerts on Monday

Some of the teachers of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba will be performing this Monday (11). The American trombonist Darrin Coleman and pianist Deborah Milling Brazilian Fernandes Nilson form the Duo the Americas, presented at 6:30 pm, in the Palace of liberty. Others 16 music teachers, Brazilians and foreigners, estarão juntos no concertoRead more

Duos and trios are the attractions in the early days of the 34th music workshop

Three concerts are scheduled for the first day of the 34th music workshop of Curitiba. Classes start this Friday (8), the morning and afternoon, at PUC-PR., leaving aside for the night the Duo recitals Reed on Piano, Duo Gulin-Pilatti, the Japanese pianists Momoka Yano and Takayuki Nikaido, and the trio … Read more