Registration is open for the 1st NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST OF FINE ARTS.
The 1st National Fine Arts Photography Contest is promoted by Photos & Moments –Claudinho Spinola and the Daily Life-Art Group-with cultural support from Raphae Art Gallery (Edmundo Cavalcanti)-of the Brazilian Confederation of Photography-CONFOTO, of the Arts Movement, of the Friends of Photography Group, of the Revista Eletrônica Crônica & Art, of Photography Group of Ribeirão Preto / SP and UEI-Union of Independent Writers.
This exhibition aims to present works of plastic artists at national level.
It has an exclusively cultural character, without any kind of awards, or link to the acquisition or use of any property, right or service.
The contest is open to Visual Artists, professionals or amateurs, Brazilians and foreigners living in Brazil, no age limits, with authorization and signature of the responsible person when less than 18 years.
Photos will be evaluated by a technical jury. At the end of the evaluation, the jury chose a photo of each artist. Vale certificate of participation, medals to first place, and surprises that will be revealed during the registration process.
Please register to 31 March 2021.
Full regulation, application form, how to send your photos, registration payment.
Additional information with Claudinho Spinola cel. (55) 16 991319032
Arts movement
Brazilian Confederation of Photography-CONFOTO
Friends of Photography Group
Ribeirão Preto street photography
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UEI-Union of Independent Writers
Raphael Art Gallery
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