The Cultural Embrace takes place in the main cultural points of Goiás and is free.
The Bertran Fleury Institute, founded by Paulo Bertrán, presents the 2nd Cultural Embrace of the city of Goiás that rescues practices such as soirés, singing, sacred and profane songs from Goiás, plastic arts by Vilabose authors and composers. The event takes place from 11 august to 04 September in the main cultural points of Goiás and it is free.
The 2nd hug counts with the participation of Duo Martins Botelho, soiree (nadia pires, Xando, Nito Noleto), Jean Douliez string chamber, Tonico do Padre Band, between lectures, singing and many other activities.
According to Artistic Director Marcos Botelho, “The Cultural Abraço puts Vilabo’s art in evidence. Its activities bring to the population of Goiás and visitors, a small clipping of its cultural history. Seeks to integrate renowned artists with traditional cultural practices. Mix big names with the population. Vilaboenses heritage and tradition are at the heart of all activities, demonstrating that the practices are rooted. In all activities, the artist's interaction with the public is sought. Therefore, the project aims to embrace everyone, creating spaces for interaction and appreciation of Vilabo’s cultural knowledge”.
Knowledge of Vilaboense
Students from the Mestre Nhola State School and the Veiga Vale School of Arts will participate in the “Cultural Walk” activity. First, will have a lecture on the theme of the project, will have experiences/rehearsals for a week with teacher Nádia Pires and will walk the streets to the Municipal Market. on the way, some students will represent city icons such as Maria Rouca, Maria Graminho, Maria Macaca and Zé Taxinha; the staging of customs such as: “Look at the rice cake, hot of the hour”, and a singing toy: burnt whip.
Arriving at the Municipal Market, a narrative about the occupation of the city will be carried out, as well as on the concern with the intellectual improvement of the population, highlighting some writers such as Félix de Bulhões, Hugo de Carvalho Ramos, Cora Coralina and Paulo Bertran. There will be a brief biography about the writers and, between one and another, will be read sung individually, in pairs and with their poems.
About the event:
The city of Goiás, was recognized in 2001 by UNESCO as a World Historic and Cultural Heritage for its peculiar baroque architecture, for its secular cultural traditions and the exuberant nature that surrounds it.
The city's history begins with the expeditions of the pioneers in search of the country's riches.. Anhanguera and his son Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva, was in the 18th century, found in the region now called Goiás, large amount of gold.
In 1736, the site is elevated to the status of administrative village with the name of Vila Boa de Goyaz, thus its native known as vilaboense. The city hosts numerous cultural events such as: Holy Week, Procession of the Fogaréu, STAY (International Environmental Film and Video Festival), Gastronomic Festival of the City of Goiás and Carnival of Marchinhas. Currently, the city is one of the main tourist attractions in Goiás, being its architecture one of its main attractions.
The 2nd Cultural Embrace of the City of Goiás comes to rescue traditional cultural practices, some almost in disuse, bringing to the present day typical local artistic works, that were responsible for the great cultural effervescence of the city, at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. rescuing authors, almost forgotten local composers and artists. Also introducing these practices to new generations of Vilaboenses and tourists.
Through this ransom, will seek to increase the self-esteem of the population, value local artistic work, increase tourism, encourage the new generation of artists, promote local artists and arts, stimulate spontaneous artistic making etc.. In short, the project aims to be an instrument of cultural animation, combining professional artists, amateurs, students, tourists and general population.
As an instrument for the recovery of Vilaboenses cultural assets, becoming a true facilitator and interlocutor between the different cultural agents, professionals and amateurs. Seeking to recreate the same space of cultural ebullition that existed in the city between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Programming of the 2nd Cultural Embrace of the City of Goiás:
• August:
12/08 (Friday) – Morning – Cultural Walk – (Workshop Nadia Pires)
12/08 (Friday) – 20h – Nossa Senhora do Rosário Sanctuary – Banda Tonico do Padre
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14/08 (Sunday) - 10h - Gym Profº. Elder Rocha – IBF
19/08 (Friday) – 20h – Duo Martins Botelho and Soiree (Nadia Pires) – Biapo Institute
• September:
01/09 (Fifth) – singing (Xando, Nito Noleto and Nadia Pires) - Praça. john francisco
02/09 (Friday) – 20h – Nossa Senhora do Rosário Sanctuary – Jean Douliez String Camerata
03/09 (Saturday) – 20h – Sarau – Palace of the Conde dos Arcos (Nadia Pires, Xando, Nito Noleto)
04/09 (Sunday) - 10h - Gym Profº. Elder Rocha – Bertran Fleury Institute
2º Cultural embrace of the City of Goiás
From 11 from August to 04 September
Local: Check our schedule
Production: Botelho Productions / Support: Biapo Institute
Realization: Bertran Fleury Institute
Free entrance.
Information: Whatsapp: (21) 97448 2323