The third edition ofFestival of Marys – International Festival of the Women's Arts takes place in Brazil between days 6 and 18 October 2022, with face-to-face programming (in the cities of Araçariguama and São Paulo) e online (through the Festival's YouTube channel).
It's open – until day 11 September – the Public Call Notice for Registration in the Online Program for Shows and Video Classes, both non-competitive. There will be no remuneration for selected projects.
Registration is free using the form:
To the Show Show, the content entered must be produced in audiovisual format, could be theater shows, dance, circus, cinema, literature or music, by national or foreign authors. No need for originality.
The Video classes must be produced in audiovisual format lasting up to 30 (thirty) minutes, be taught by women and contain creative themes, technical or artistic relating to women's artistic making.
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The Festival das Marias – International Feminine Arts Festivalborn in Portugal, in 2019, under the aegis of female protagonism, taking place in Brazil in 2020. Focusing on the appreciation of female artistic creation, its programming revolves around creations and themes that address issues related to the feminine. It was conceived under the pillars of SDGs 5 and 16 (Sustainable Development Goals – Gender Equality and Culture of Peace), and edits are closed in 10 of October for being the national day for the Fight Against Violence Woman.
In 2022, face-to-face programming ranges from 6 to 10 October, with events happening simultaneously, in Araçariguama and Sao Paulo, in public cultural facilities – such as Teatro Paulo Eiró, Black Culture Center “Mother Sylvia of Oxalá” and Cultural Training Center Cidade Tiradentes – and in private institutions – school of 7 gates (araçariguama) and Cine Petra Fine Arts (São Paulo). Online activities and events extend until the day 18/10, from the YouTube channel/FestivaldasMarias.
On the network: @marias.festival