Alliance Française of Rio de Janeiro holds meeting on African literature


Will be presented a reading of texts in French of the renowned writer
Senegalese Léopold Sédar Senghor, Member of the Académie française

Léopold Sédar Senghor. Foto: Divulgação.
Léopold Sédar Senghor. Photo: Disclosure.

The Alliance Française Botafogo takes place next Thursday, day 28, a meeting with the African literature. The writer honored is the Senegalese, Member of the Academy of Arts of Paris, Léopold Sédar Senghor. The reading will be done by Antonio Manso, with directed by Brigitte Bentolila. Admission is free and the passwords will be distributed before the 1:00 event at the Alliance Française Gallery.

Léopold Sédar Senghor was the first President of Senegal in 1960, After independence, acclaimed poet, writer and professor. Senghor was one of the fathers of the literary movement known as 'Blackness', which aimed to raise black consciousness. He was the first black to be elected to the French Academy of Letters. As a poet, was nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature, in 1962.


This distinguished intellectual wrote several books of poetry and essays in French, including "Chants d Ombre ’" (1945), written while he was in a Nazi concentration camp; "Hosties noires" (1948); "Chants pour Naëtt" ( 1949); and "Ethiopiques" (1956).

In tribute to Léopold Sédar Senghor, the company Noir sur Blanc will present a reading of excerpts from works by the author, such as, "Oeuvres poétiques", "Chants d ’ Ombre" and "Ethiopiques". The texts are celebrating the values of black African culture myth of black ' wild and obedient '.

Event is held in French, no translation.

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The Alliance Française celebrated 130 years of activities in Brazil 2015. Besides being a reference in the language, she is, no doubt, the most respected institution and known the world, when it comes to the spread of the French language and Francophone cultures. She has, currently, more than 850 units 135 countries, where they study about 500.000 students. In France, it has schools and cultural centers for foreign students. Brazil has the world's largest network of French Alliances with 40 associations and 69 units.

It is the only institution in Brazil authorized by the Embassy of France, to apply the tests that give access to international diplomas DELF and DALF, recognized by the French Ministry of National Education. The French Alliance is also the center of official exams for the application of international tests valid for two years TCF (The French Knowledge Test) and TEF (French Assessment Test) and the national test valid for one year Capes (recognized by agencies CAPES and CNPq MEC). The French Alliance in Brazil develops partnerships with numerous French and Brazilian companies as well as being an essential actor of Franco-Brazilian cultural dialogue.


Meeting with African literature – texts by Léopold Sédar Senghor
Date: 28 July, Thursday
Time: 19h30
Auditorium of the Alliance Française Botafogo-Rua Muniz Barreto, 730 -Botafogo
Free entry.
Limited places. Distributed password 1 hour before the Gallery of AF Botafogo

Event held in French, no translation.


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