Between Art and Tradition: The Deep Journey into the Nativity Scenes of the São Paulo Museum of Sacred Art

Crib Napolitano. Photo: Disclosure.

Exploração museológica revela a riqueza cultural e artística na representação do Nascimento de Cristo ao longo dos séculos O Museu de Arte Sacra de São Paulo – MAS.SP, institution of the Secretary of Culture, Economy and Creative Industry of the State of São Paulo, anuncia a exposiçãoAs Tradições nos Presépios do Museu de Arte Sacra deRead more

Essential tips for bedroom renovation

Essential tips for bedroom renovation. Photo:

Discover strategies to renew and enhance your personal space, making it truly welcoming and stylish The decision to renovate a room is always exciting, as it represents the opportunity to create a space that reflects the personality of those who intend to carry out the renovation while still meeting the general needs of comfort and space. Become a supporter … Read more

Building a swimming pool at home: Know the care required for installation and maintenance

Building a swimming pool at home: Know the care required for installation and maintenance. Photo:

Creating a swimming pool at home not only contributes positively to health and well-being, but it also guarantees the appreciation of the property Having a swimming pool at home is a dream for many people. In addition to providing moments of leisure, relaxation and family fun, the presence of a swimming pool at home allows … Read more

Works that go beyond art: How luxury developments have invested in artistic creations to give new meaning to projects

Marc Pottier. Photo: Disclosure.

*Marc Pottier, international curator of contemporary art at AG7 According to the dictionary, The definition of architecture can be established as the “art and technique of organizing spaces and creating environments to house different types of human activities”. From this meaning, It is easy to understand that the relationship between the world of art and the … Read more

Pet friendly decoration: 12 plants that do not pose risks to dogs and cats

Pet friendly decoration: 12 plants that do not pose risks to dogs and cats. Photo:

Creating indoor green spaces with safe decorative species enriches environments and helps promote animals' quality of life In modern decoration, the plants, mainly ornamental, occupy a prestigious place. But this privilege is not limited to aesthetic benefits alone.. After all, the presence of flowers, foliage, trees and shrubs are associated with … Read more

Casa Museu Eva Klabin and Inclusartiz open solo exhibition by Kika Carvalho on the day 7 of december

Work by Kika Carvalho in the 'Ultramar' exhibition. Photo: Disclosure.

“Ultramar” reúne trabalhos inéditos, among paintings, cianotipias, instalações e colagens a partir da profunda pesquisa da artista sobre a cor azul e a sua função na linguagem e na construção social Fruto da parceria entre a Casa Museu Eva Klabin e o Instituto Inclusartiz, o programa de residência artística “ÉDEN” chega a sua segunda edição comRead more

The Surprising Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing

The Surprising Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing. Photo:

Ballroom dancing is a form of artistic expression that combines choreographed movements with music. In addition to being a fun and socially engaging activity, ballroom dancing also offers a number of surprising health benefits. In this article, we will explore the many positive aspects of this practice, from physical strengthening to the benefits … Read more

Denise Milan presents solo exhibition at Lume Gallery

"Narcissism", from the series “Quartz Codes”, de Denise Milan | Photo: Ana Pigosso

Between the days 22 and 26 November, DAN Galeria will present works by prominent contemporary artists such as Lygia Clark in the United Arab Emirates, Jesus Soto, Denise Milan, Franz Weismann e Elizabeth Dorazio De 22 to 26 November, a 15ª Abu Dhabi Art reunirá 92 galerias locais e internacionais e pela primeira vez na trajetóriaRead more

Dancing for Child Development: The Countless Benefits of Primary Education

Dancing for Child Development: The Countless Benefits of Primary Education. Image of master1305 on Freepik.

The dance, this artistic expression and universal language, plays a vital role in early childhood education. When incorporated into the educational environment, dancing not only offers fun, but also contributes significantly to the integral development of children. Let's explore the breadth of physical benefits, emotional, social and cognitive skills that dance provides at this crucial stage of … Read more

Exploring the World of Dance Classes: A Journey of Movement, Health and Expression

Exploring the World of Dance Classes: A Journey of Movement, Health and Expression. Freepik image.

The art of dance is a form of human expression that transcends cultural and temporal boundaries. Over the centuries, dance has been a vehicle of connection, personal expression and cultural manifestation. In addition to its aesthetic beauty, dance classes offer a wide range of benefits for the body, the mind and the … Read more
