Architect tips to make your bathroom more cozy

With small changes it is possible to make the environment more relaxing and the bath, invigorating


Few things are as relaxing as a shower at the end of an intense day at work.. This is the perfect time to renew your energies., but it can be even more special if this bath is in a warm and welcoming environment.

The bathroom doesn't always get the attention it deserves., But you should. Yes, usually, one of the last rooms in the house to be decorated.

“Most people dedicate special attention to the choice of coatings and parts, even for the planned, but leave for later the details that can transform the space”, comments the architect and urban planner Rafaela Costa, project manager at Criere Campinas.


Rafaela says that small changes can make the space welcoming and relaxing. “Choose warm colors, earthy, use objects with natural texture, like basketry, plants and wood warm and bring the environment to life”, Enumerates.

intimate climate

The lighting, says the architect, is essential to induce relaxation. “We can work with different lighting, using a diffused light to make the environment a little darker”, teaches.

The use of niches and shelves is also valid for hosting objects and potted plants.. “The mirrors enlarge the environment and give a charming air to the space.. The textures can even be in the coatings, because they increase the feeling of comfort”, teaches the project manager at Criere Campinas.

Be careful with the choice of plants

Plants bring nature into the WC, but it is necessary to choose species suitable for a humid environment and place them in places where there is light.

“Good options that don’t require direct sunlight are the peace lily, St. George's sword, zamioculca, Adam's rib, avenca, fern and peperomia. these last two, how are pending, give a special charm to the environment”, teach Rafaela.

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Where space is not an issue, furniture can transform the environment. “Newer designs have turned bathrooms into shower rooms.. In large bathrooms, it is possible to opt for larger or double sinks., install bathtub, box with special showers, in addition to investing in differentiated design in custom furniture”, Enumerates.

“If the budget allows, it is even possible to install a sound system, special imaging and lighting. A multimedia system completes the ideal scenario to spend hours relaxing in the bathtub”, adds Rafaela.

Play no relax

Regardless of the size of your bathroom, bet on aromatic oils and calm music for bath time. “With a diffused light, calm music and the use of aromatic essences it is possible to transform even the smallest bathrooms into a relaxing environment“, complete.


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