Exhibition “Erotica – wishes translated”


Exhibition “Erotica – wishes translated”

Sensuality and erotismos in art at the Gallery Villa Olivia, in the Morro da Conceição

3r0tic4 II of Marcio Goldzweig. Photo: Disclosure.
3r0tic4 II of Marcio Goldzweig. Photo: Disclosure.

The "group show “Erotica, wishes translated”, Villa Olivia Gallery opens in 29 August, step by Rico universe of eroticism, covering categories which blend components such as love, I wish, attraction, sexuality, morality, religiosity and other feelings that lie the mind and are on the abstraction of meanings.


There are more than 100 jobs, among paintings, sculptures, drawings, photographs, engravings, produced by 20 artists: Paulo Villela, Kazuo Iha, Cecilia Ribas, Claudia Lyrio, Diana Doctorovich, Eliane Santos, Elmo Malik, Flavia Tavares, Jorge Grisi, Marcelo Frazão, Marcio Goldzweig, Marina Vergara, Regina Guimarães, Ricardo Pereira, Roberto Armorizzi, Sergio Ferreira, Sergio Sall, Silvana Hugenin, Silvio Moray and Wilson Saraiva, tracing the particular vision of each one of them about eroticism.

Regina Guimmaraes Super. Photo: Disclosure.
Regina Guimmaraes Super. Photo: Disclosure.

The members of artists “Erotica, wishes translated” show through his works that “eroticism is a primary component of art. Awakens the human, the sublime, the animal and the unexplained in us . awakened by his rawness, by the senses, for sure that sex is still one of the biggest taboos of contemporary society” – Marcelo Frazão says that subscribes to the curator of the exhibition.

Paulo Villela paintings, for example, the eroticism emerges mixed with a strong dose of humor, which gives lightness to the theme. Marina Vergara covers the human body in all its rawness, already Kazuo Iha, EBA/UFRJ Professor, Displays the female body as sensual power. Diana Doctorovich already takes advantage of dubious reading of vegetable shapes and copper sculpture and phallic of Marcelo Frazão represents a female chastity armor, basis for its discussion on issues such as moral, religion and sex. Ricardo Pereira in turn presents a series of erotic engravings that resemble images taken from a surrealist cordel.

Nefarious Kazuo Iha system. Photo: Disclosure.
Nefarious Kazuo Iha system. Photo: Disclosure.

“Prefacing the writing, the erotic art dates back to prehistory, at the time of the paleolitico but adding continuously values , What made it possible to track human evolution – the caves to the interactive environment of the internet and dating applications on mobile phones”, underlines the curator Marcelo Frazão.

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On the other hand, in the absence of Eros, that is, without desire, without sexual arousal, the animal species would be extinct. When dominated by this primordial programming, Note on animal migration, oscillating rational the irrational polo, powerful elements as: morality, prejudice, religiosity, intolerance – also due to the animal effect – interacting in the search for the abolition of these desires.

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On red bed Paulo Villela. Photo: Disclosure.
On red bed Paulo Villela. Photo: Disclosure.

Therefore, Perhaps in this attempt to rationalize the irrational pursuit of suppression of desire – not to be confused with sublimate – the generator of evil, misrepresentations and mental deviations. This not to mention the moral context, religious, history, geographical and personal that erotic issues arouse and yet will continue to raise through the ages.

As a result, It can be said that the pornographic aesthetic is more concerned with stamping the rawness, the exaltation of sex or of male and female genitalia in contact, in action, exactly how to translate the demand shows “Erotica, wishes translated”.


Shows “Erotica, wishes translated” – Parental guidance: 16 years.
Local: Photo Gallery Villa Olivia: : Hill John Man, 13 Morro da Conceição.
Opening: day 29 August, Saturday, of the 3:00 pm 7:00 pm. Period: 29 August until 17 October.
Visitation: Wednesday to Friday 12 the 0600 – outside of these hours schedule individual and group visits by phone: 98545 – 2613

Contacts: 98545 – 2613 – [email protected] / facebook: Villa Olivia Arts

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